You get several noteworthy tracking features on Android and iOS with Spyic. All locations appear as pins on a virtual map. A new pin appears every time the device is registered at a new location. You can find location addresses, which includes street names, neighbourhood information, and the city.
Also, you can use geographical coordinates. You can use Google Map features for added information on any location and 3D Street View for an up-close look at any location. The SIM card tracker provides you with a network-based location. You can even sign up to receive a notification if the owner changes their phone number. Spyic is able to bring this information to you via the SIM card tracker. The geofence feature allows you to create and monitor a marked zone on a map:.
If you want to track Android devices, you download and install Spyic on them. After the installation is over, the app can be accessed via any web browser.
Top 5 Apps to Track a Cell Phone by Number
The app can instantly track locations. Tracking the target phone is very simple thanks to the web-based interface. You can set the update frequency. A monthly subscription costs about as much as a movie DVD. If you monitor multiple devices, you get a discount. As a full-fledged phone monitoring solution, Spyic offers extra features like a messages reader, social media apps tracker, a keylogger, a web browser history checker, and much more. You can keep track of everything the user is doing.
It provides privacy Finally, Spyic offers maximum privacy. You can use the app safely. You can check out the demo before you commit to a purchase. Use by private citizens is regulated in some states, such as California, where California Penal Code Section Note that As the laws catch up with the times, it is plausible that all 50 states will eventually enact laws similar to those of California.

Other laws, like the common law invasion of privacy tort as well as state criminal wiretapping statutes for example, the wiretapping statute of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , which is extremely restrictive potentially cover the use of GPS tracking devices by private citizens without consent of the individual being so tracked. Privacy can also be a problem when people use the devices to track the activities of a loved one. In , debate ensued over a Georgia proposal to outlaw hidden GPS tracking, with an exception for law enforcement officers but not for private investigators.
See Georgia HB 16 - Electronic tracking device; location of person without consent The law in the UK has not specifically addressed the use of GPS trackers, but several laws may affect the use of this technology as a surveillance tool. It is quite clear that if client instructions written or digitally transmitted that identify a person and a vehicle are combined with a tracker, the information gathered by the tracker becomes personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act If a living individual can be identified from the data, with or without additional information that may become available, is personal data.
An individual is 'identified' if distinguished from other members of a group.
Top 6 free cell phone tracking apps (updated 2021)
In most cases, an individual's name, together with some other information, will be sufficient to identify them, but a person can be identified even if their name is not known. Start by looking at the means available to identify an individual and the extent to which such means are readily available to you. Does the data 'relate to' the identifiable living individual, whether in personal or family life, business or profession? Relates to means: Data which identifies an individual, even without an associated name, may be personal data which is processed to learn or record something about that individual, or the processing of information that affects the individual.
Therefore, data may 'relate to' an individual in several different ways. Data 'obviously about' an individual will include their medical history, criminal record, record of work, or their achievements in a sporting activity. Data that is not 'obviously about' a particular individual may include information about their activities. Data such as personal bank statements or itemised telephone bills will be personal data about the individual operating the account or contracting for telephone services. Where data is not 'obviously about' an identifiable individual it may be helpful to consider whether the data is being processed, or could easily be processed, to learn, record or decide something about an identifiable individual.
Information may be personal data where the aim, or an incidental consequence, of the processing, is that one learns or records something about an identifiable individual, or the processing could affect an identifiable individual. Data from a Tracker would be to identify the individual or their activities. It is therefore personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act It is a criminal offense to process data and not have a DPA number.
Further reading
It may be a civil trespass for an individual to deploy a tracker on another's car. However, entering a person's private land to deploy a tracker is clearly a trespass which is a civil tort.
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At times, the public misinterprets surveillance, in all its forms, as stalking. Whilst there is no specific legislation to address this kind of harassment, a long-term pattern of persistent and repeated efforts at contact with a particular victim is generally considered stalking.
Section 2A 3 of the PHA sets out examples of acts or omissions which, in particular circumstances, are ones associated with stalking. Examples are: following a person, watching or spying on them, or forcing contact with the victim through any means, including social media. Such behavior curtails a victim's freedom, leaving them feeling that they constantly have to be careful. In many cases, the conduct might appear innocent if considered in isolation , but when carried out repeatedly, so as to amount to a course of conduct, it may then cause significant alarm, harassment or distress to the victim.
The examples given in section 2A 3 are not an exhaustive list but an indication of the types of behavior that may be displayed in a stalking offense. Stalking and harassment of another or others can include a range of offenses such as those under the Protection from Harassment Act ; the Offences Against the Person Act ; the Sexual Offences Act ; and the Malicious Communications Act Examples of the types of conduct often associated with stalking include direct communication; physical following; indirect contact through friends, colleagues, family or technology; or, other intrusions into the victim's privacy.
The behavior curtails a victim's freedom, leaving them feeling that they constantly have to be careful. If the subject of inquiry is aware of the tracking, then this may amount to harassment under the Prevention of Harassment Act There is a case at the Royal Courts of Justice where a private investigator is being sued under this act for the use of trackers. The case relates to the discovery of a tracking device found in August on a vehicle supposedly connected to Hillside Animal Sanctuary. Example: The use of a surveillance device for providing information about the location of a vehicle may involve some physical interference with that vehicle as well as subsequent directed surveillance activity.
Turn emergency location service on or off
Such an operation could be authorized by a combined authorization for property interference under Part III of the Act and, where appropriate, directed surveillance under the Act. In this case, the necessity and proportionality of the property interference element of the authorization would need to be considered by the appropriate authorizing officer separately to the necessity and proportionality of obtaining private information by means of the directed surveillance.
This can be interpreted to mean that placing a tracker on a vehicle without the consent of the owner is illegal unless you obtain authorization from the Surveillance Commissionaire under the RIPA laws. Since a member of the public cannot obtain such authorizations, it is therefore illegal property interference. Another interpretation is that it is illegal to do so if you are acting under the instruction of a public authority and you do not obtain authorization. The legislation makes no mention of property interference for anyone else. The app also allows you to make calls and send texts.
Live Mobile Tracker Number is compatible with Android devices and is free to download. The app also collects and stores locations on your phone and can work even without an internet connection. Trace Mobile Number is a cell phone number tracking app for Android devices. The app shows you from which state operator a cell phone number belongs to and reveals caller information such as location during an incoming call. It also shows you the details of the number in the call log, even without an internet connection.
Although the apps above can track cell phone locations, they are not as accurate as you would like.
In fact, most of them just show you the city, state, and country. If you want to know the accurate and precise location of a cell phone, then Family Orbit is your best bet. Family Orbit is one of the most accurate and reliable tools for tracking the real-time location of a device.
10 Free Apps to Track a Cell Phone Location for Free
It allows you to track a cell phone using a real-time map that shows you where your loved ones are. The app has some fantastic features like the Geofence, which is a virtual boundary that you set up for your child and notifies you whenever the boundary is crossed. Besides location tracking, the app also helps you to monitor and control phone activities such as text messages, photos, videos, website browsing, and more, making it a perfect parental control app. Here are some of its other features:.