Messaging rates may apply. Contact your carrier for more information. There are several reasons for this: The person that you sent the message to doesn't have an Apple device.
If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an iPhone and another iOS device, like an iPad, your iMessage settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. You can also start a new group message.
Why is my iPhone not sending text messages? Here’s why, and the fix
Open Messages and tap. Enter the phone numbers or email addresses of your contacts. To delete a group message: Open Messages and find the conversation that you want to delete. Swipe left over the conversation. Learn more If you still can't send or receive messages, contact Apple Support. If you switched to a non-Apple phone, learn how to deactivate iMessage.
iPhone Not Sending Text Messages? Here’s How to Fix SMS
Mon Apr 02 Thanks - please tell us how to help you better. Start a Discussion in Apple Support Communities. Ask other users about this article. Nonetheless, these troubleshooting tips may resolve an iMessage problem as well. If the cellular connection or service is not the issue, continue on with troubleshooting techniques to fix SMS transmission from iPhones. Often times rebooting an iPhone is sufficient to remedy problems like this.
Simply hold down the Power button and the Home button until the Apple logo appears on the screen. When the iPhone powers back on, try sending the text message again. Most iPhone users have iMessage enabled, but some may have accidentally or intentionally turned off SMS support. Resetting network settings can be a pain because you lose wi-fi passwords and custom DNS, but it can also be a cure-all solution for many common networking issues with iPhone, including the inability to send messages.
Go back to Messages app at this point and try to send the text message, it should work just fine. Sometimes simply deleting a message thread and recreating a new message is sufficient to resolve a message sending failure. Why this works is anyones guess, but if it works, who cares? Know of any other tricks to resolve an inability to send text messages? Let us know in the comments! Subscribe to the OSXDaily newsletter to get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox!
Enter your email address below:. The funny thing is, I have trouble with blue. So, unless you specifically tell me to look for blue and green, I will not notice the diffrence. I only learned about iMessage once I read about it in the press. Later I noticed that I had a lot of iMessages on my iPad. I closed out iMessage on both devices and put an end to them. I work in IT as a Linux developer. Literally millions of people of all ages, from children to seniors, use iMessage without any problem.
So the issue seems to be you and not iMessage. But I admire your courage in publicly admitting your shortcomings. I doubt that half the iMessage users are aware that they are using it. I am not even talking about those of us with vision imparement. It so happens that 1 in 12 European men are partly colorblind.
I happen to have difficulty with blue vs green.
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Steve you are pathetic. Tough guy behind those keys…. Probably still living home with mommy and daddy.
No instruction needed in many cases. Who has time to memorize a long manual if you can even get it? Rather you generally learn the features you need, and then search for a solution once a problem arises. Try sending a text now internationally without paying Travel Pass charges. So, yes, Steve, I agree with those who say that you are rather obnoxious. I use iMessage and SMS. Anyway, to your issue, I notice that many people have a hard time differentiating the blue message and green text bubbles, anyone who is color blind or has vision issues tends to have this problem along with the tiny text on everything and lack of buttons this is just one of many ways that Apple has dropped the ball on accessibility in favor of The Jony Ive-ification of user interfaces, which translates to bad user experience in favor of a mockup user interface that looks good on paper in Industrial Design class but would fail any User Interaction Design class.
Of course, Jony Ive is untouchable at Apple, he is The King and spends all his days at fashion shows, so maybe he is going to retire soon, it certainly feels that way with the horribly ugly iPhone 6s design! He did not seem to get that I am colorblind. Bigger Bird is spot on about their design issues.
Apple dumbed-down great hardware in the name of their religion called Software Simplification. While Jony Ive demonstrates his hubris, Jobs must be screaming from the other side.
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Yes Jason, you make a good point. I bought a macbook air to replace my Dell netbook that was showing its age. I now run Linux pretty much full time on my macbook. VMware runs fantastically on the macbook. I found a very simple solution to an sms message not going to an android phone from an iOS device. Just leave the subject line blank.
It works a treat. Apple could and should have been smarter about this, insisting that a registered iMessage number-holding device check in with iMessage at regular intervals, so when the registered device goes out of range, so does iMessage delivery for that number. My boyfriend purchased a phone at Walmart and got a prepaid plan to go with it. The only way I can text him is if I turn iMessage off completely. I appreciate your answer to my problem. It not only helped me solve the problem it helped me understand how the variables work.

I am over 60 and all my devices are Apple but I still need simple easy to understand steps in lay terms. Can send texts to others, just not this particular person. This morning the other people that I was able to text….. I thank everybody for trying to help me. Have trouble sending texts to android users.
I have a iPhone 7 plus. Reset network plus delete and rewrite message — finally, it worked. Thank you for sharing info! Tried all these suggestions. Only 1 solution works for us. Now SMS works as normal. And watch out this Apple send to turn iMessage on when updating phone. How do I turn iMessage off? And if it is off, how can I send text messages? Thanks so much for helping!! My problem is strange.. Even reset factory settings… still the problem continues… and its more frustrating when i try the same thing from my friends phon and his phon works properly in this matter.
Why some iMessage texts are blue and some are green
By deleting the previous messages and recreating new messages, it fixed my problem of not being able to send messages using an international SIM. Thanks for the help! You can usually find an answer there; lots of power users and regular users as well as helpful employees. Having trouble finding a clear answer at support.