The German Data Protection Authorities generally support the Corona-Warn-App and only expressed minor concerns, but less on the Corona-Warn-App itself but rather on the way it may be used:. Quarantine monitoring — mandatory wristbands have been introduced for those arriving from overseas and are required to be worn for a 14 day home quarantine period. The wristband is linked to an app, StayHomeSafe. If a confirmed case is later discovered at a participating venue, the app will notify users who have visited the same venue at a similar time to the confirmed case together with health advice.
What are considered to be the major privacy concerns in relation to the app in your jurisdiction in relation to its use a by the government; and b by private sector organisations? StayHomeSafe: The key privacy concerns are excessive data collection and that data may be used for other purposes such as tracking. Other privacy concerns include storage and access to the data, as the privacy policy of the app does not contain clear information regarding retention of and access to such data. The Government has selected a contact-tracing app developed by a well-known software house.
On 29 April the Italian Government issued a law decree setting out inter alia the rules governing the adoption of such app Law Decree no. After a beta test in four regions, the app has been made available in the whole of Italy since June Main privacy concerns lie in data minimization, data security, re-identification risk and actual prevention of use of such data for other purposes. The Decree addresses a wide-spread concern about ownership and localization, providing that the data controller shall be the Ministry of Health, and that data shall be stored in servers on the Italian territory.
Private sector apps to be used in the workplace need to comply with strict Italian rules on remote monitoring of employees, as well.
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Users are expected to register as participants and share their locations when travelling and also trace whether they have had contact with persons exposed to COVID That said, the Government has not been very transparent on what measures or methods it is using to ensure protection of data privacy.
For instance, the app mentions that it will have periodic updates to improve security and privacy. Whilst the private sector has conveyed privacy concerns, there has not been any major privacy incidents reported thus far. The application uses geolocation and face recognition technology to ensure that relevant people are quarantined.
The app facilitates self-assessment of the risk of COVID infection and, if the user decides to do so, it allows the user to scan the environment for other smartphones on which the application is installed and saves the history of anonymous identifiers encountered. According to the authorities, appropriate encryption methods have been used and the data processing model complies with the requirements set out in the GDPR. Moreover, it is based on Exposure Notification technology developed by Google and Apple.
However, monitoring of the spread of COVID is done at the local level and some technologies have been introduced in certain regions of Russia. There are significant privacy concerns regarding the implementation of a Social Monitoring App. In addition to those mentioned above they include the following:. The South African government has partnered with the University of Cape Town to develop a smartphone app to assist government with tracking people who may be unaware that they have COVID and to track people who have come into contact with others who are COVID positive.
The App is called Covi-ID. The South African Government acknowledged that it is critical that the Government works collaboratively with South African technology companies and individuals to leverage technology capabilities in the fight against COVID and its effects. We are aware that the Government has approached technology companies to identify suitable projects that may assist the Government with its response to the crisis, in particular, its plan to develop a national COVID Tracing Database.
The database seeks to track people who are known or suspected to have come into contact with persons known or suspected to have COVID On 2 May , the Department of Health also launched a Whatsapp based symptom reporting process. The details of the back end and privacy controls are unknown at this stage.
Given that South African privacy laws are not yet in force, there is a concern that personal information may not be properly protected during the pandemic and may be used for further processing not anticipated on collection of the data. On the WhatsApp symptom tracker it is unclear who is processing the information submitted and where else it may be disclosed. There are no terms and conditions available regarding the use of this functionality. Even though South African privacy laws are not in place, there is a constitutional right of privacy; however this may be infringed where there are larger public interest considerations that outweigh the impact on privacy.
The technologies being used in Thailand for tracking COVID are mostly contact tracing applications used together with the cell phone location data of the user.
The Thai Government authorities e. Airport of Thailand AOT , mobile service providers and digital start-ups.
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The apps in use are:. Excessive data collection which may be used for other purposes such as tracking individual after the spreading of COVID has ended.

The Government launched a contact tracing app, CoronaMelder, on October 10, The DDPA had reviewed the initial version of the draft bill and identified a number of areas that required improvement: i given that the bill was drafted with great urgency, its scope should be limited to the COVID crisis alone it allowed RIVM to access data for future epidemics as well ; ii the purpose and necessity of the extended powers of the RIVM needed to be stated clearly; and iii no maximum retention period for the telecommunication data was included. The Government had considered the comments from the DDPA and published the draft bill on May 29, , as well as a revised draft bill on June 24, The DDPA had subsequently commented in the media that it does not agree with the draft bill.
According to the DDPA, the data is not unconditionally anonymised, the purpose and necessity of the bill need to be stated more clearly and the safeguards proposed by the DDPA need to be implemented into the new draft bill more sufficiently. On October 2, , another revised draft bill was published by the Government. In the letter, the State Secretary confirms that, due to the anonymization of the data, no personal data will be processed as a result of the draft bill. Furthermore, according to the State Secretary, the safeguards proposed by the DDPA in respect of the initial draft bill have been implemented, where feasible.
Finally, the State Secretary reiterates the purpose and necessity of the draft bill. The DDPA has not yet responded to the letter or the revised draft bill.
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According to the legislative history of the Temporary Act, one of the major concerns from the Parliament, the DDPA, the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights College voor de rechten van de mens and others was that the use of the app would be made compulsory by third parties.
Although the DDPA was overall satisfied with the development of the app, it also identified a number of issues:. Diagnosed COVID patients are warned via text messages and automated calls in the event that they leave their place of isolation. A recently added feature to the app now allows users to scan barcodes at selected venues e. If you need help getting started, we are here to help. In just a few minutes you can download and install the mobile phone monitoring software to begin logging activities such as:.
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