When these labels are marked up correctly, people can interact with them using only the keyboard, using voice input, and using screen readers. Also, the label itself becomes clickable, increasing the target area and making it easier to select small radio buttons or checkboxes. Find any forms on the page. A form could be a single text box, such as Search, or could be a complex form with text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, and buttons.
Some simple forms, such as a single search field, might not have any errors.

If you think the form s on the page you are checking might have error messages, try leaving required fields blank or entering incorrectly-formatted information such as telephone number or e-mail address , then submitting the form. If you get errors:. Note: These instructions help you check if labels are marked up with 'label', 'for', and 'id'; they do not check if form controls are identified in other ways. Therefore, even if a form does not pass these checks, it might still meet WCAG.
The dialog box tells you the number of identified errors, the total number of form controls, and the number of controls that you need to check manually. For the rest of the steps you need to look at the text around the labels. If this is difficult, you could skip the next steps.
There is not an easy way to check form control labels with the WebDev toolbar. It requires installation. Moving, flashing, or blinking content includes carousels example carousel , ads, videos, auto-updating stock tickers, scrolling news feeds, and more. Users need to be able to control moving content, especially some people with attention deficit disorder or visual processing disorders. Additionally, flashing or blinking content can cause seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy, particularly if it:. Information in podcasts or other audio is not available to people who are deaf or some people who are hard of hearing, unless it is provided in an alternative format such as captions and text transcripts.
Visual information in videos is not available to people who are blind or some people what have low vision, unless it is provided in an alternative format such as audio or text. Text can be read by a screen reader or Braille display, or enlarged and reformatted for people with low vision. Follow the steps above for keyboard access to ensure that the media player controls are labeled and keyboard accessible. It is best if audio including background noise and video with sound does not start automatically when a web page opens. If it does start automatically, it should either:.
Most video on the web that provides captions has "closed captions" that can be turned on and off. For example, in YouTube, you turn on captions with the CC button no known keyboard access.
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If there is not a CC button, there are no captions available for that video. Automatic captions are not sufficient for accessibility because they are not accurate enough. For example, in YouTube, if only "automatic captions" are listed, there are no sufficient captions and the video is not accessible.
Captions in the specific language need to be listed. It is best practice to provide both captions and transcripts, although not always required; providing transcripts has many benefits — both to people with disabilities and to website owners. Check that transcripts include all audio information, including dialogue with the speakers identified, and all important sound — e. A transcript for a video could provide all the audio and all the visual information, so that a person can get all the content of the video by reading the text. Audio description sometimes known as described video, video description, or visual interpretation is description of important visual information in a video, in order to make it accessible to people who cannot see.
For example, some videos start out with a title in text, have speaker names in text, and have illustrations. That visual information needs to be provided to people who cannot see the video. It can be provided through:. While the other checks on this page focus on specific success criteria in WCAG, this check is more broad. It helps you understand how some people "see" the web page differently. For this basic structure check, you look at the web page without images, styles, and layout. Web pages are often designed with multiple columns, sections, colors, and other visual aspects that help organize information for people who see the page in its default display.
However, some people do not see the page this way. People who are blind listen to the page with a screen reader or read it from a Braille display. Some people with low vision and others change the way the page is displayed so they can read it; for example, change from multiple columns to one column, change the text size, and more. An important issue is how the web page works when it is "linearized" into one column and the presentation is changed, as shown in the images below. Images showing linearized and changed display click to show images.
The images below illustrate how a web page is displayed in 3 columns by default and how it can be changed. Figure A shows the default display of three columns, with the navigation at the left. Figure B shows the page linearized into one column, with the navigation at the top. Figure C shows the page linearized, with the navigation at the bottom.
The order of the sections e. Figure D shows the page linearized and with styles turned off. When you follow the Basic structure checks steps below , your page will look like something like this:. Figure E shows the page changed by a person with low vision to make it more readable, for example, the main text is big, the footer text is very small, and the headings are a different color. While it is useful to have an experienced screen reader user check web pages, anyone can get an initial idea of potential accessibility barriers for screen reader users and others who change the way the page is presented.
The steps below show you how to disable images, disable styles for how the page is usually displayed, and linearize the page to check the page structure. Get a basic structure view of the page by following the instructions under Basic structure checks below to:.
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Most browsers provide the option to turn off images and disable CSS from the menus. For example:. Now that you have an idea of the accessibility issues on a web page, two things you can do:. Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites has guidance on reporting accessibility problems. It is focused for people who do not work for the organization that owns the website, yet also has some useful information if you do work for the organization — particularly the Introduction, Consider Your Approach, and Sources for More Information sections.
The checks on this page are not definitive; a web page could seem to pass these checks, yet still have significant accessibility barriers.
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This page covers just a few accessibility issues. There are other accessibility issues not covered in these easy checks, for example: links, data table markup , reliance on color, and much more. More robust assessment is needed to evaluate accessibility comprehensively. Guidance is available from:. Page title Image text alternatives "alt text" pictures, illustrations, charts, etc.
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Audio Visual Easy checks for web accessibility. Easy checks for web accessibility. Even if you are new to web accessibility and not technical, you can check some aspects of accessibility yourself. A person in front of the computer checking a website with passes and fails. The words new and non-technical are displayed. Icons around a computer: hand; eye; brain; ear and mouth with sound waves. An arrow moves from left to right to point a list of checks. For example, a web page from your own website, from your competitor, or from suppliers you might want to work with. It is not a complete evaluation of accessibility.
More assessment by professionals is needed for a definitive and comprehensive evaluation. A computer with a website shows the progress of an evaluation as items are either marked as a fail or pass. Sometimes doing just a few of these checks can give you an indication of the overall accessibility. Fails and passes stand out. Some checks are simple. For example, looking at the title of the web page displayed in the browser window.
Web page title is highlighted. You can do most of the checks using any web browser. Some checks are easier using an extension for your browser.
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A browser extension is downloaded. Start your accessibility journey right now by doing some Easy Checks. A map with a route and an accessibility flag at the end. Web accessibility: essential for some, useful for all.
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Icons around a computer: hand; eye; brain; ear; and mouth with sound waves. For information on easy checks for web accessibility, visit w3. Here are some things to know that will help you understand the brief explanations throughout this page: markup refers to web page code, called HTML. You do not need to look at the markup to do these checks; however, it does help to understand what "markup" and "marked up" means.