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Facebook has built a business where it supplies convenience and functionality in return for data exploitation. In essence, you pay for all the fun with the understanding that you are being farmed around the world's largest bloc of advertisers, who spend increasing percentages of their budgets selling something specifically designed to appeal to you, or someone very like you.
Instagram, also being integrated under these new plans, is less of a stretch. Their entire commercial model fits with Facebook's. In fact, through their influencer model, they arguably have an even more powerful and future-proofed platform. Although, again, this has not been without controversy.
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The photo service hit the news this month , with some of the best known of its influencers agreeing to be more open about where they are being paid to promote. Following the news, Facebook responded by pulling the app and defending its use. Finally, less than 5 percent of the people who chose to participate in this market research program were teens. All of them with signed parental consent forms.
Facebook Spy
Despite this, what has been seen today is the new reality for Facebook. The coming months will be dominated by headlines over any perceived data breach or misuse, as the company continues to put its PR low points of behind it. Their challenge is getting the clear blue water from scandal and controversy to make that possible.
This last weekend saw the messaging integration controversy followed by Instagram and others caught up in the U. The year-challenge meme earlier in the month, where users quickly questioned Facebook's motives and whether this was indeed just the harmless fun the company claimed or a clever-ish facial recognition training exercise, show what they're up against.
Ultimately though, this is about culture and fundamental respect for privacy. If user data is treated as a commodity to be traded, and if safeguards are treated as a challenge to be overcome, then self-regulation will not suffice. The problem, as seen with everything from tax to national security, is that companies that deal in billions of users and operate globally are hard to pin down. And so, self-evidently, it will come down to the users themselves.

As long as we complain but do nothing more, as long as we continue to become ever more entrenched in our social media platforms with all the good and bad they bring, then the cookie jar will get ever bigger, and the kid eyeing it ever greedier. Zak is a widely recognized expert on surveillance and cyber, as well as the security and privacy risks associated with big tech, social media, IoT and smartphone.
Zak is a widely recognized expert on surveillance and cyber, as well as the security and privacy risks associated with big tech, social media, IoT and smartphone platforms. The company is at the forefront of AI-based surveillance and works closely with flagship government agencies around the world on the appropriate and proportionate use of such technologies. This is a BETA experience.
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