Kristy tries out for the play in Starring the Baby-sitters Club! It's mentioned that she still plays with the girls from the team in Claudia and the Disaster Date. She's second string in left field on the team in Kristy at Bat. He had to be her "personal assistant" for a week. She also ran the hundred yard dash, where she came in second out of six and first among the girls. Since moving to Watson's house, Kristy takes the bus to school. Her backpack has lots of compartments in it. Kristy puts homework in one of the outside compartments, notebooks in another, and books in the third.
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She gets straight A's on her report cards and sometimes gets a B. She fails the same science tests twice during the race for class president. She usually brings lunch to school often: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apple, Doritos, and a fruit juice box. She and Mary Anne decided bringing bag lunches looks too babyish for eighth grade. Kristy usually makes funny disgusting comments about school food, which she sometimes eats. Kristy goes by herself to the Remember September Dance and the school spring dance.
Kristy goes with Bart Taylor to the Halloween Hop, Valentine, and the community center spring dance together. Karen is Kristy's younger stepsister. While Karen can be overly dramatic and overwhelming, Kristy loves Karen a lot. Kristy helps Karen and while Karen sometimes spooks Kristy with her stories like at the beginning of Book 6 Kristy's Big Day , Karen loves her big stepsister right back. While Karen was upset that she lost, Kristy gave her a hug and wiped away her tears and comforted her, as any good big sister would. Kristy loves when Karen is visiting and misses her when she's at her mother and stepfather's house.
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Kristy tucks Karen in bed and reads her stories. Things are always even more exciting and crazy when Karen is visiting, and Kristy loves that. Karen trusts Kristy. Karen often copies Kristy, like what she does, what she says, and really looks up to her. When Kristy did something bad in Book 74 Kristy and the Copycat , Kristy didn't want Karen to find out about it and start thinking Kristy was a bad person, revealing that Kristy cares about what Karen thinks of her. Andrew is Kristy's younger stepbrother. Since Andrew is quiet and shy and Kristy is loud and talkative, you'd think they wouldn't get along.
Andrew loves Kristy a lot and Kristy loves him right back.
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He had trouble opening up to her at first because of his shyness but when he did, they got along great. Andrew and Kristy truly care about each other. Emily Michelle is Kristy's younger adopted sister. Kristy loved her sister right from the start, and Emily Michelle loves Kristy right back. David Michael is Kristy's younger brother. Kristy loves baby sitting for David Michael and helps him out such as in Book 1 Kristy's Great Idea when she helped him when he was locked out of the house and made him lemonade. David Michael may love bugging and embarrassing his sister, but he loves her.
Charlie is Kristy's older brother. Charlie got Kristy's silent signals in Book 11 Kristy and the Snobs , which means he understands her. Charlie invited Kristy to play football in the Hanson's backyard with him and Sam, showing he likes having her around and that they have a common interest in sports.
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In fact, Kristy's brothers and the fact that she grew up with no sisters are the reason for Kristy's love of sports since she grew up around it. Charlie drives Kristy to and from Baby Sitters Club meetings for a fee of 50 cents.
Sam is Kristy's older brother. Sam doesn't mind playing football with Kristy and even hangs out with her. While it can be assumed that Sam is jealous of Kristy see Sam Thomas , he loves her very much. Sam often plays practical jokes on Kristy, which shows that he likes her Sam teases the girls he likes, either romantically or not.
Kristy practically has the catchphrase of, "Sam, you're a rat! Kristy was next-door-neighbors all her life with Mary Anne Spier and they were best friends and grew up together, along with Claudia Kishi , who lived across the street on Bradford Court. She could see into Mary Anne's bedroom and had a secret code using flashlights. They strung paper cup telephones or sailed paper airplanes with messages through the window. Kristy was jealous of Dawn Schafer and Mary Anne's friendship at first but eventually got over it. She gets along with Logan Bruno because he also loves sports.
She sometimes clashes with Abby Stevenson , but they remain friends. Kristy and Mary Anne had a secret way of talking when they were living next door to each other. Mary Anne mentions that Kristy is friends with Amelia Freeman , but she didn't know her that well. In Stacey and the Boyfriend Trap , she mentions that she got along well with Logan Bruno and they would talk about sports.
They met and became friends in Book 20 Kristy and the Walking Disaster. Bart was over at Kristy's house in Super Special 7 Snowbound. Kristy and Bart often talk on the phone. They both like each other romantically, but it didn't get very far. Bart had very strong feelings for Kristy, but she wasn't able to reciprocate his feelings for her. In Kristy and the Haunted Mansion , she admits that sometimes she feels shy around him.
Kristy has a love-hate relationship with her frenemy friend and enemy Alan Gray. She thinks he's a lot of fun and has gone to dances with him.
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He has a crush on her, but it is unknown if she feels the same way. Kristy also thinks he can be a real pain. They danced together in Kristy and the Sister War. To see more of the relationship between Alan and Kristy, see Kalan. Kristy once went out on a double date with Claudia Kishi and Josh and one of his friends, Steve. Steve and Kristy did not hit it off and she never spoke of it again.
In addition to her club responsibilities, Kristy coaches a softball team called Kristy's Krushers , created for kids who are too young for Little League, not good enough for Little League, or too scared or shy to try out for Little League. Kristy appears in the graphic novels by Raina Telgemeier and Gale Galligan. She appears in all the adaptations and appears similar to how she is described in the original series, except her hair is a little bit brighter. Her siblings Sam and Charlie are a little bit younger in the graphic novels in the graphic novels Sam is 14 and Charlie is 16 while in the original books Sam is 16 and Charlie is Kristy is portrayed by actress Avriel Hillman.

This Kristy is not too different from her book counterpart. She is shown to be rather bossy and always wears her hair in a ponytail. Kristy is portrayed by Schuyler Fisk. Her hair is reddish and worn in a low ponytail, she also has lots of freckles. Kristy is portrayed by Sophie Grace.
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She says that she had head lice several times. At least one early critic review calls this version of Kristy too bossy. This Kristy alternates from wearing her hair up in a ponytail and down instead of always up. The Baby-Sitters Club. Baby-Sitters Little Sister.
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This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Kristy Thomas. Kristy with stepfather Watson Brewer.