Most likely he gets blamed for the mistakes which demoralizes him. The company needs to rehire for the position and the deficient training circle starts again. Companies that lack employee training tracking software such as TrainingKeeper to track training and enforce the training plans are much slower to implement improvement projects and cost cutting actions.
Companies that use software to monitor, track and enforce training gain several competitive benefits. By tracking training records your company prevents defects. When you track the training in TrainingKeeper , you know who is qualified to run the process. With TrainingKeeper , you can quickly pull up all the training by that operator and then judge whether they are qualified to work that process.
Or you can select a particular training class and see who has been taught to that procedure, equipment, specification or anything else your company deems as a critical training class. Planning long term training and following these plans makes your company more competitive because your employees gain higher skills in a predetermine matter. With TrainingKeeper you can create an unlimited number of training plans. You then assign these training plans to any employee. This employee training tracking software automatically creates the schedule for each class for each selected employee.
You can then quickly create reports that show the schedule of classes for each employee. Or you can look the list of employees per schedule classes. It assures the employee do not miss an expected class. Implementing employee training tracking software that tracks and manages training significantly saves the company money.
Management creates the exact training plans and TrainingKeeper produces a document that details the training schedule. The trainer follows the schedule and trains the new hire appropriately. The trainer does not forget the specific classes nor the order.
Complete online safety courses including COVID-19 training
For each skill taught per the training plan, the trainer creates training records which are then entered into TrainingKeeper software. The software automatically matches up the training record to the training schedule. The employee learns all the necessary skills; the proof is maintained by TrainingKeeper software. The employee makes fewer mistakes. He is less likely to leave the company and the company makes a happier employee. With TrainingKeeper software you keep all training records in one central location. Management can promptly review the training received and the training due for any employee or class.
If desired, reports can be printed and filed for any employee. Training class records can be quickly reprinted. TrainingKeeper lets you track employee info such as start date, address, email, phone numbers and resume.
Certification Management Software
With this employee training tracking software,you can track specific training information such as class details, class authors, class approvals, and key documents. If an employee leaves the company you can keep their training on file but easily remove them from the list of active employees. If the employee comes back to work, you can quickly make that employee active and review his previous training. Use the software to record internal and external training.
File the hardcopies by the Training Record number. Later, as needed for example during an audit , you can easily pull the pertinent training records. Find training records by dates of training, training record numbers, employees or classes. Quickly sort and filter the records by date, teacher, class, record number, training material, authors, approvals, names, department, and position. If you need to track the number of classes taken or the amount of time a student received training, TrainingKeeper provides a report for this. Our Training Management System allows you to drill down into your company to customize training requirements by location in addition to role.
Want to stipulate which courses you will accept for each training topic? We have you covered! Enter the training topic e. First Aid , then choose which training provider e.
Training Management Software | HR Training Tracking Software
ABC Inc. Only training that meets these requirements will be accepted. Our cloud-based employee tracking management software will also automate notifications for expiring courses to workers, managers, and system administrators. This way, everyone knows where each department, region, or location stands in terms of compliance for their training requirements. With just one click of a button, you can run a training gap analysis report to determine which individuals are behind in their training.
Our system has the flexibility to assign required or recommended training to individuals, roles, or locations. File compatibility can sometimes hold back organizations. To keep you moving forward, BIStrainer uses an Excel-compatible data management system, making it one of the fastest ways for your company to go paperless.
Excel-compatible data management and reporting creates seamless communication between our software and the spreadsheet files currently used by your various departments. Now, you can store your own training records and certificates on secure cloud servers for free when you create a personal account on BIStrainer or SafeTapp. Access your training records and certificates remotely and easily present them whenever you need to with the convenient mobile app.
Since working with BIS, we were able to ditch the many many uncontrolled excel spreadsheets that were circulating with outdated or incorrect information. BIS has helped organize the major components of our Learning Management System by streamlining training topic requirements for roles, departments, and locations. Its also a one stop platform to access training records. This is something we love to show off during audits. BIS Safety Software leads the way with our compliance training requirements. Dan and his team are leaders with solutions and constantly offer innovative options and products.
I highly recommend their service. The management system is straightforward and simple to use. Most of all, the customer service is second to none. Their client service and support is unsurpassed, and they never stop innovating and improving their system. Working with BIS is a great experience and an invaluable asset for our company and clients.
Client benefits from seamless integration of database modules include: user account creation, user profile enhancement, training certificate storage, desktop data user downloads, data storage conversion, and other TRMS-specific user benefits. Within our Online Training Management System platform, multiple components are integrated to manipulate, mine, synthesize and store data for platform users.
We present the TRMS database to allow customers an enhanced grip on required records and training management activity.
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- Record Database?
- Training Tracking Software.
- Employee Training Tracking Software for Management.
- Why and how to track employee training progress.
- Benefits of Employee Training Software.
Course Authoring: Our team of e-learning, instructional design and safety experts are available to work with you to create the customized training you require, or convert offline materials to online learning. Satisfaction Rating Excellent 4.

Paul B. Well worth taking the training through Worksite Safety and the instructor made it more enjoyable.