If you're already logged into iCloud, skip this step. It's a radar-shaped icon on the right side of the dashboard. Do so in the text field in the middle of the page. This tab is at the top of the page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click your iPhone's name in the drop-down menu.
Review your iPhone's location. Once Apple locates your iPhone, you'll be able to see its location, as well as several options on the right side of the page: Play Sound - Prompts your iPhone to play an audible alert. You can also select a message to display on the iPhone's screen. Erase iPhone - Removes all data from your iPhone. This action cannot be undone, so make sure that you have a backup available if you do this.
Open the Find My Device website.
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This will only work if your phone has the Find My Device app installed and enabled. Enter your email address and password. If you're already logged into an email address, you will most likely still have to enter your password. Click Accept when prompted. Doing so will prompt Find My Device to begin searching for your Android.

Review your Android's location. Once your Android is found, you'll be able to see its location, as well as several options on the left side of the page: Erasing an Android will prevent you from being able to use Find My Device. Open the Samsung Find My Mobile website.
In order for this to work, you must be logged into a Samsung account on your phone. It's in the middle of the page.
If you're already logged into your Samsung account here, skip this step and the next step. Enter your account credentials.
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Review your Samsung's location. Logging into Find My Mobile should prompt Samsung to look for your phone. Once your phone is located, you'll be able to see its last-known position, as well as several options on the right side of the page: You'll be prompted to confirm this decision with a password. You may first have to click Locate my Device to bring up your Samsung's location. Install GPS Tracker on your phone. Tap OPEN in your phone's app store, or tap the app icon on your phone. If prompted to allow access to your phone's location, tap Yes , Agree , or Allow. Swipe right four times.
This will take you to the account creation section. Tap Step 1 - Create Account. It's at the top of the page. Enter your account details. Fill out the following fields: It's at the bottom of the screen. Tap OK when prompted. This will take yu back to the initial account creation page.
Tap Step 2 - Enter Confirmation Code. It's near the middle of the page. Retrieve your confirmation code. Open your email address, find the email from "Registration" with the subject "Registration Code" and open it, and note the red-text number in the body of the email. If you can't find this email in your inbox, check the Spam or Junk folder. Enter the confirmation code. Tap Verify Confirmation Code. It's below the text field.
This will confirm your email address and create your account on this phone. On Android, you'll instead tap Activate here. Repeat the setup process on the other person's phone. Download and open the app, create an account, and verify the email address that you used to create the account. It's in the top-right corner of the GPS Tracker main page. You'll see this near the top of the page. You will need to have the person's email address in your iPhone if you want to track them. On Android, you can tap Enter Email in the top-right corner of the screen to enter an email address.
Choose location settings (Android 9.0)
Select a person to invite. Tap the name of the person whom you want to track. The location of a mobile phone can be determined using client software installed on the handset. Another approach is to use a fingerprinting-based technique, [8] [9] [10] where the "signature" of the home and neighboring cells signal strengths at different points in the area of interest is recorded by war-driving and matched in real-time to determine the handset location.
This is usually performed independent from the carrier. The key disadvantage of handset-based techniques, from service provider's point of view, is the necessity of installing software on the handset.
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It requires the active cooperation of the mobile subscriber as well as software that must be able to handle the different operating systems of the handsets. Google Maps. One proposed work-around is the installation of embedded hardware or software on the handset by the manufacturers, e. This avenue has not made significant headway, due to the difficulty of convincing different manufacturers to cooperate on a common mechanism and to address the cost issue.
Another difficulty would be to address the issue of foreign handsets that are roaming in the network. The type of information obtained via the SIM can differ from that which is available from the handset. For example, it may not be possible to obtain any raw measurements from the handset directly, yet still obtain measurements via the SIM.
Crowdsourced Wi-Fi data can also be used to identify a handset's location. Hybrid positioning systems use a combination of network-based and handset-based technologies for location determination. Both types of data are thus used by the telephone to make the location more accurate i. Alternatively tracking with both systems can also occur by having the phone attain its GPS-location directly from the satellites , and then having the information sent via the network to the person that is trying to locate the telephone.
In order to route calls to a phone, cell towers listen for a signal sent from the phone and negotiate which tower is best able to communicate with the phone. As the phone changes location, the antenna towers monitor the signal, and the phone is "roamed" to an adjacent tower as appropriate. By comparing the relative signal strength from multiple antenna towers, a general location of a phone can be roughly determined. Other means make use of the antenna pattern, which supports angular determination and phase discrimination.
Newer phones may also allow the tracking of the phone even when turned on but not active in a telephone call. This results from the roaming procedures that perform hand-over of the phone from one base station to another. A phone's location can be shared with friends and family, posted to a public website, recorded locally, or shared with other users of a smartphone app.
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The inclusion of GPS receivers on smartphones has made geographical apps nearly ubiquitous on these devices. Specific applications include:. In January , the location of her iPhone as determined by her sister helped Boston police find kidnapping victim Olivia Ambrose. Locating or positioning touches upon delicate privacy issues, since it enables someone to check where a person is without the person's consent. In Malte Spitz held a TED talk [18] on the issue of mobile phone privacy in which he showcased his own stored data that he received from Deutsche Telekom after suing the company.
He described the data, which consists of 35, lines of data collected during the span of Germany 's data retention at the time, saying, "This is six months of my life [ Spitz concluded that technology consumers are the key to challenging privacy norms in today's society who "have to fight for self determination in the digital age.
Chinese government has proposed using this technology to track commuting patterns of Beijing city residents. In Europe most countries have a constitutional guarantee on the secrecy of correspondence , and location data obtained from mobile phone networks is usually given the same protection as the communication itself.
In the United States , there is a limited constitutional guarantee on the privacy of telecommunications through the Fourth Amendment. United States that the government violates the Fourth Amendment by accessing historical records containing the physical locations of cellphones without a search warrant.
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Carpenter v. California Satellite navigation Secure telephone United States v. Jones United States v. Karo Vehicle tracking system. BBC News. Retrieved Proceedings Cat. ISBN Retrieved 6 February ISSN Bibcode : arXiv CiteSeerX PC World. Asilomar Conference on Signal Processing Supreme Court of the United States.