How Call History Screening Helps

The History section of a profile is tied to the profile it is assigned to. Currently the only way to delete this history is to delete the profile. To delete and create a new profile follow these instructions:. BedTime is one of FamilyMode's signature features.

It allows you to set a bedtime in the evening when a family member's devices need to go offline for the night to avoid late night browsing and an awake time for the next morning when online activity may resume. OffTime makes it easy to schedule times throughout the week when the Internet is unavailable so that kids can play, do homework, or just get some plain old family time in.

Time Limits is a powerful feature that allows you to control how much time your family members spend. You can limit by day, platform, or by a particular category of website. FamilyMode gives you the power to pause the whole network, individual family members, or even specific devices. In order to pause a whole wireless network or a device connected to Wi-Fi, you need to have the FamilyMode base station installed on your wireless network.

Using custom filters will give you control of what websites can be visited on each device connected to FamilyMode. Rewards are an easy way to send extra online time, and they expire at midnight, so whatever time you added goes back to normal on the following day.

Coverage may not be available in some areas. Tap Blocked contacts. If desired, tap the Block private and restricted texts and calls switch to prevent private and restricted numbers from contacting your child. Tap Block a number. Note: You can also remove contacts from the blocked contacts list on this screen. Tap the Delete icon to the right of the number you want to unblock, and tap Remove. Enter the phone number including area code that you want blocked from contacting your child.

Tap Trusted contacts.

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Tap Trust a number. Note: You can also remove a number from the trusted contacts list on this screen. Tap the Delete icon to the right of the number you want to remove, and tap Remove. Enter the phone number including the area code. Note: Your child will always be able to communicate with this number, even during time restrictions and after usage limits have been reached. Tap Top contacts. You'll see a list of contacts your child has been communicating with. Those with the most recent activity will be at the top. To receive alerts when your child communicates with a certain contact, select the contact.

Under Contact alerts, tap Customize. Tap Watchlist. Note: To stop receiving alerts about the contact, tap None.

Get Call Details of Any Phone Number

Pause internet Expand All. Pause child's internet You must be paired with your child's Smart Family Companion app to pause internet. In the Verizon Smart Family app: Select the child at the top of the screen. Tap Pause internet. You've successfully paused your child's internet.

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Tap Unpause internet. You've successfully unpaused your child's internet. The app will begin to locate their phone automatically. A successful result will display a halo showing the general area of the child's device. Tap the Map for more detail.

Manage when they use the Internet.

Locate your child and view the location details. Under the History section, tap an individual location result to view it in more detail and see the location on the map. The result will show on the map with the location details. Tap Navigate under the map. Note: You can also navigate to a location in the location history. Tap the location to access the Navigate option. A default map app will open with the place's location listed in the Search field.

Find & manage your child's Android device location

Tap Check in. A location notification will be sent to the parent's phone.


Tap Pick me up. Confirm your location on the map. Select the parent you want to request a ride from. Tap Send request. Alerts and notifications You can set up alerts to notify you of your child's location. Set arrival and departure alerts In the Verizon Smart Family app: Select the child at the top of the screen. Scroll down to the Manage controls section, and tap Location alerts.

Tap Add a place. Note: You can also delete a saved alert on this screen. Tap the alert you want to delete and tap Remove. Enter the name and address of the place you want to set an alert for. Tap Scheduled alerts. Note: You can also delete a set alert on this screen. Tap the alert you want to delete, and tap Remove. Tap Add an alert. Select the days and time when you want to be notified of your child's location. Set notification preferences In the Verizon Smart Family app: Tap the Settings icon in the top right corner of the screen. Tap Notifications.

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Select the child you want to set notifications for. Adjust the notification settings as desired. Content filters Expand All. Set up content filters You must be paired with your child's Smart Family Companion app to use content filters. Scroll down to the Manage controls section, and tap Content filters.

Note: If you haven't paired with the child's phone yet, you'll be encouraged to initiate pairing. Follow the instructions provided to complete the process. Select a content category you want to block. Note: For additional details about what the category blocks, tap More info. Tap the switch for each filter you want to turn on or off. The switch is black when it's on and white when it's off.

Note: To block all filters in a category, tap the All switch at the top of the screen. When you're done, tap Save.

Additional Information

Manually block and unblock websites You must be paired with your child's Smart Family Companion app to use content filters. Scroll down and tap Websites. Trusted websites — Enter websites on this list that you want your child to be able to view, even though the default content filter blocks it. Blocked websites — Enter websites on this list that you don't want your child to be able to visit and aren't currently blocked by the default content filter.

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Remove all content filters In the Verizon Smart Family app: Select the child at the top of the screen. Tap the Remove all button in the top right corner of the screen. Tap Remove all content filters. You've successfully removed all content filters for your child.