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If you have an iPhone, try this: click on settings, then privacy, then location services, system services and frequent locations. For me, that includes my home, local tube station and office, but also the pub I play Netrunner in, the house of one of my best friends and the comics shop I frequent. How to turn it off: both companies let you turn off location histories from the same pages you can look at yours.
How to Remove Spyware App from Your Phone?
And that data is well-used by Uber to reassure customers that their journey is safe: the company will show you your ride history as well as information about your driver which can be crucial for solving disputes or, if the worst happens, ensuring justice. How to turn it off: the best way would be not to use Uber. How to turn it off: stop using a mobile phone. Did you know that digital photographs contain information about the picture? Known as Exif data, the standard was created to hold stuff that photographers might find useful to know alongside the image, such as the focal length and aperture they used while taking it.
In September , Facebook was even forced to disable the feature after the Irish data protection commissioner scolded it for doing so without permission. How to turn it off: try to avoid being in photos or having friends. It is really general that your phone turns off or restarts when you do it. But, with a malware running in your mobile there could be a sudden power off or on. Sometimes, when an installation is complete, the PC restarts automatically without your command or authorization. Same could be the case with malicious software; however, here you are also unaware about the running spy app.

One might also notice the mobile screen light up as if it is in use. If you see it once then there is probably nothing alarming but if it happens quite often then you should give it a second thought.
Is Someone Spying on Your Cell Phone? How to Tell & Stop Them
Feeling mobile warm is common while using but when not in use, this could be a signal towards spyware functioning. Even with light functioning such as usage of WhatsApp or Facebook does give a slight change to battery temperature. However, if it gets too hot without any reason such as charging, long voice calls or lengthy movie play, then it is may be due to unknown software application processing.
Heard any strange buzz or noise while being on call? If yes then recall the history that is it from start or is just sudden. As mentioned before, the spyware apps are also able to listen and record your voice call which could probably cause uncertain noises. Signal issues are also the cause of unclear or added voices but you can confirm it through a test call from another mobile. Weird text messages usually with symbols and numbers which are unreadable and seems gibberish could be a spyware tool.
2. Restart your phone.
As a result, this simple SMS could initiate GPS tracking, enable microphone, turn on the camera or could kick off other intrusive processes. Such kinds of malicious software tend to direct your phone to the unauthentic websites when your data or Wi-Fi connection is on. Generally, it is hard to detect the change but you can spot the suspicious activity through turning off all the data using apps for some time. Some of you might have noticed these issues but they are not the complete indication of spyware app. However, it is really safe to get precautions before you fall in extreme danger.
The Android phones are more prone to the spyware attack as compared to iPhone. Therefore, it is more probable that Android users have a question, how to stop someone from spying on my cell phone. Restoring the factory settings could be unpleasant for most of the mobile owners as it removes all the data and stored files. However, it is way better than giving your personal data to a malicious entity. Then, select erase everything and enter your passcode if there is any. To confirm the process, enter your password.
This way is a bit tricky as you must recognize the malicious app before getting into the removal process. Also, you must keep in mind that there could be several apps working together to make up a single tool. Therefore, you should delete all the apps.
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This method is not much effective in removing the spy app as compared to the above two. However, many times the ignorance of the OS update is also giving malware, an easy access to your phone. If your mobile company has recently launched an update then it is most probable that they have patched up the security loopholes.
If you have rooted your android phone then it will also be removed with the OS update.
Because android rooting allows the unknown and stranger apps for download, the malicious apps could also manage an easy way to your phone. Updating iPhone with latest iOS update is really effective for removing the tracking programs. Also, it will remove the jailbreak if it is applied on your iPhone. Malicious software could never be installed on the iPhone until it is not jailbroken. Most people jailbreak the iPhone themselves so that they could install apps from other sources along with the App Store.