Although customizable settings are available for some Virus Scans, we recommend you only modify settings for Custom Scans. To configure scan settings:. If you suspect your PC is infected with malware and all other Virus Scans including the Boot-Time scan were unable to resolve the issue, you can use Rescue Disk. Rescue Disk enables you to scan your PC when your system is not running. This method significantly increases your chances of detecting and removing malware because the malware is detected before it is able to counteract.
Scanning your PC for viruses with Avast Antivirus. To run Explorer Scan , right-click a file or folder on your desktop or in File Explorer, then select Scan selected items for viruses in the menu that appears. I guess simple truths like this needs to be retold again so we can always keep them at the back of our minds.
Thank you for the tips. Thanks a lot. Thinking about writing a word count blog post. I should probably cut my entry down eh? Paolo, you can still write long posts, just use these tips to break them up visually to make them easier to read on screen. Hi Pamela I am a sixty year brazialian author. It is very difficult for me to put into practise these teachings you post here. But in my deeper mind I know you are right. I know we are in a complete different era. Now the form is much more valuable then the content. For while thanks for sharing your expertize with us.
The reason I wrote this post is to give your valuable content the best chance at being read and understood. Does that make sense? I agree with your post completely. I think that one of the biggest problems with blogs is that people write too much. It really is quality over quantity.
Nobody has the time to sit and read long posts when they are only looking for particular information. I think that using some of these tips will increase the comments and shares of a blog. But even though I appreciate the trend toward tighter sentences and very short paragraphs, I think it comes with its own set of problems.
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I think a lot of writers get smug using the short-paragraph technique—kidding themselves that they are writing well, by snapping off clever one-liners. I see the value of the shorter structures, yet I still question how I see it being applied.
I agree with you, Gina. This post is about making already-good content more readable. I get the feeling a lot of people are using the sparser formatting to kid themselves they are writing well. If you turn one sentence into a paragraph, it better work. I can think of one blog that I must read. Great writing is rare regardless of the format. I see so many one-line paragraphs that sound self-conscious—so sure they are witty or clever or delivering a punch.
Discussions about how to truly write well and with substance are rare. I am going to use these tips on my company blog. I think the thing that might have been most helpful about this post is not actually the post but the link to an introduction to cornerstone content. That could really help at my company blog:. I used to do a lot better formatting like you suggest here with sub headings, etc.
I need to get back to writing in this fashion. Great post, thanks, very useful to a relative novice in the field. People just gotta love list posts and this is another comprehensive and clearly informative post. In fact, very often documents specially squeeze pages are not read in sequence from the beginning till the end, but jumping and scrolling up and down instead. As hunters, targeting to the most relevant information at least I do. Great tips to follow.
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It is really interesting to know how the same content can be made more reader friendly. Ultimately that is the aim of any public post. Thanks for sharing these tips here. Love this post. Will be implementing some of these techniques in my future posts. Thank you for this information — it is very helpful.
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Thanks for the info. Pamela, Fantantic post. There are so many wonderful blogs out there; we need to get their attention quickly. Your tips will help tremendously. These are brilliant. It makes sense to slow things down and space them out once you get into more complex information. This is a great post… I have however found another technique to be quite successful across most of my blogs the technique is to include quotes or grayed backgrounded sections of text.
When testing this technique initially i found that when users commented it was in relation to the gray backed text. Also indented text works well as it gives variation to the way you read the post thus keeping the brain interested. Note that these rules of visual accessibility apply to all online communications. I constantly see these huge text blocks of dense text.
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Of course not, and nobody else is going to read them either. Three words: Break it up.. It is actually a great and effective idea!! It actually grabs the attention of the readers as they want to know all the facts leading to the conclusion statement on the top.

I am going to follow this strategy from now onwards!! This is an interesting article because it basically sums up how the internet is ruining our attention span. Once users get used to reading blogs in this type of short, choppy format, we expect it from the other things we read — like novels. Fantastic post. We need to deliver content the way our target readers consume it … It is also a good thing to add some pictures or video clips to your blog. Thanks I have been putting it to use.
That being said, SEO work is still necessary to allow readers to find your content, but in the end content is still king IMO. Lots of helpful tips here. I just started blogging recently and wish I could have found this resource sooner. This was a great read.
Very succinct and to the point. Thank you Pamela. I will add this points to my Posting To-Do-List on wordpress. Hi, great article. Some excellent tips here thank you copyblogger i have started to use some of these tips on my blog with some great results thank you for sharing.
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Pamela, Nice post. But I take links as a distraction.