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In a statement to CNET , Facebook indicated that "We've provided public testimony, answered questions, and pledged to continue our assistance as their work continues. On July 3, , Facebook acknowledged a "bug" unblocked people that users has blocked between May 29 and June 5. A Chrome plug-in intended for marketing research called Grouply. Congress sent a letter to Zuckerberg on February 19, demanding answers about the data leak, stating in part that "labeling these groups as closed or anonymous potentially misled Facebook users into joining these groups and revealing more personal information than they otherwise would have," and "Facebook may have failed to properly notify group members that their personal health information may have been accessed by health insurance companies and online bullies, among others.
Fallout from a confluence of factors in the Facebook data privacy scandal has come to bear in the last week of July On July 25th, Facebook announced that daily active user counts have fallen in Europe, and growth has stagnated in the US and Canada. On the July 28th, Reuters reported that shareholders are suing Facebook, Zuckerberg, and CFO David Wehner for "making misleading statements about or failing to disclose slowing revenue growth, falling operating margins, and declines in active users.
On August 22, , Facebook removed Facebook-owned security app Onavo from the App Store , for violating privacy rules. Data collected through the Onavo app is shared with Facebook. In testimony before the Senate, on September 5, , COO Sheryl Sandberg conceded that the company "[was] too slow to spot this and too slow to act" on privacy protections. Sandberg, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey faced questions focusing on user privacy, election interference, and political censorship.
Senator Mark Warner of Virginia even said that, "The era of the wild west in social media is coming to an end," which seems to indicate coming legislation. On September 6, , a spokesperson indicated that Joseph Chancellor was no longer employed by Facebook.
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Chancellor was a co-director of Global Science Research, the firm which improperly provided user data to Cambridge Analytica. An internal investigation was launched in March in part to determine his involvement. No statement was released indicating the result of that investigation. On September 7, , Zuckerberg stated in a post that fixing issues such as "defending against election interference by nation states, protecting our community from abuse and harm, or making sure people have control of their information and are comfortable with how it's used," is a process which "will extend through On September 28, , Facebook disclosed details of a security breach which affected 50 million users.
The vulnerability originated from the "view as" feature which can be used to let users see what their profiles look like to other people. Attackers devised a way to export "access tokens," which could be used to gain control of other users' accounts.
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Ro Khanna D-CA. The bill is likely to be introduced in the event the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives in the elections. In a statement, Khanna noted that "As our lives and the economy are more tied to the internet, it is essential to provide Americans with basic protections online. On October 11, , Facebook deleted over pages and accounts in advance of the elections for violating rules against spam and "inauthentic behavior. A Reuters report indicates that Facebook will ban false information about voting in the midterm elections.
On October 16, , rules requiring public disclosure of who pays for political advertising on Facebook, as well as identity verification of users paying for political advertising, were extended to the UK. The rules were first rolled out in the US in May. The fine is the maximum amount permitted by the Data Protection Act The ICO indicated that the fine was final.
A Facebook spokesperson told ZDNet that the company "respectfully disagreed," and has filed for appeal. The same day, Vice published a report indicating that Facebook's advertiser disclosure policy was trivial to abuse. Further, the contents of the advertisements were copied from Russian advertisements. A spokesperson for Facebook confirmed to Vice that the copied content does not violate rules, though the false attribution does.
According to Vice, the only denied submission was attributed to Hillary Clinton.
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On October 30, , Vice published a second report in which it claimed that it successfully applied to purchase advertisements attributed to all sitting US Senators, indicating that Facebook had yet to fix the problem reported in the previous week. According to Vice, the only denied submission in this test was attributed to Mark Zuckerberg. On November 15, , Facebook announced it had terminated its relationship with Definers Public Affairs, though it disputed that either Zuckerberg or Sandberg was aware of the "specific work being done.
On November 22, , Sandberg acknowledged that work produced by Definers "was incorporated into materials presented to me and I received a small number of emails where Definers was referenced. On November 25, , the founder of Six4Three, on a business trip to London, was compelled by Parliament to hand over documents relating to Facebook.
Six4Three obtained these documents during the discovery process relating to an app developed by the startup that used image recognition to identify photos of women in bikinis shared on Facebook users' friends' pages. Reports indicate that Parliament sent an official to the founder's hotel with a warning that noncompliance would result in possible fines or imprisonment. Despite the warning, the founder of the startup remained noncompliant, prompting him to be escorted to Parliament, where he turned over the documents.
A report in the New York Times published on November 29, , indicates that Sheryl Sandberg personally asked Facebook communications staff in January to "research George Soros's financial interests in the wake of his high-profile attacks on tech companies. On December 5, , documents obtained in the probe of Six4Three were released by Parliament. Damian Collins, the MP who issued the order compelling the handover of the documents in November, highlighted six key points from the documents:.
In a statement , Facebook claimed, "Six4Three On December 14, , a vulnerability was disclosed in the Facebook Photo API that existed between September , , exposing private photos of 6.
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On December 18, , The New York Times reported on special data sharing agreements that "[exempted] business partners from its usual privacy rules, naming Microsoft's Bing search engine, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, and Yahoo as partners in the report. Partners were capable of accessing data including friend lists and private messages, "despite public statements it had stopped that type of sharing years earlier. On January 17, , Facebook disclosed that it removed hundreds of pages and accounts controlled by Russian propaganda organization Sputnik, including accounts posing as politicians from primarily Eastern European countries.
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On iOS, this was distributed using Apple's Developer Enterprise Program, for which Apple briefly revoked Facebook's certificate as a result of the controversy. On February 7, , the German antitrust office ruled that Facebook must obtain consent before collecting data on non-Facebook members, following a three-year investigation. On February 20, , Facebook added new location controls to its Android app that allows users to limit background data collection when the app is not in use.
The same day, ZDNet reported that Microsoft's Edge browser contained a secret whitelist allowing Facebook to run Adobe Flash, bypassing the click-to-play policy that other websites are subject to for Flash objects over x pixels. The whitelist was removed in the February Patch Tuesday update. On March 6, , Zuckerberg announced a plan to rebuild services around encryption and privacy , "over the next few years. Former Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky --who was fired after the poor reception of Windows called the move "fantastic," comparing it to Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing initiative in On March 21, , Facebook disclosed a lapse in security that resulted in hundreds of millions of passwords being stored in plain text, affecting users of Facebook, Facebook Lite, and Instagram.
Facebook claimed that "these passwords were never visible to anyone outside of Facebook and we have found no evidence to date that anyone internally abused or improperly accessed them. Though Facebook's post does not provide specifics, a report by veteran security reporter Brian Krebs claimed "between million and million" users were affected, and that "more than 20, Facebook employees" would have had access.

On March 22, , a court filing by the attorney general of Washington DC alleged that Facebook knew about the Cambridge Analytica scandal months prior to the first public reports in December Facebook claimed that employees knew of rumors relating to Cambridge Analytica, but the claims relate to a "different incident" than the main scandal, and insisted that the company did not mislead anyone about the timeline of the scandal. Facebook is seeking to have the case filed in Washington DC dismissed, as well as to seal a document filed in that case.
On March 31, , The Washington Post published an op-ed by Zuckerberg calling for governments and regulators to take a "more active role" in regulating the internet. Shortly after, Facebook introduced a feature that explains why content is shown to users on their news feeds. On April 3, , over million Facebook-related records were found on two improperly protected AWS servers.
Amazon deactivated the associated account at Facebook's request. On April 15, , it was discovered that Oculus, a company owned by Facebook, shipped VR headsets with internal etchings including text such as " Big Brother is Watching. On April 18, , Facebook disclosed the "unintentional" harvesting of email contacts belonging to approximately 1. Affected users were asked to provide email address credentials to verify their identity. On April 30, , at Facebook's F8 developer conference , the company unveiled plans to overhaul Messenger and re-orient Facebook to prioritize Groups instead of the timeline view, with Zuckerberg declaring "The future is private.
Hughes, who left the company in , cited concerns that Zuckerberg has surrounded himself with people who do not challenge him. Mark's power is unprecedented and un-American," Hughes said.
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Proponents of a Facebook breakup typically point to unwinding the social network's purchase of Instagram and WhatsApp. Zuckerberg dismissed Hughes' appeal for a breakup in comments to France 2, stating in part that "If what you care about is democracy and elections, then you want a company like us to invest billions of dollars a year, like we are, in building up really advanced tools to fight election interference. On May 24, , a report from Motherboard claimed "multiple" staff members of Snapchat used internal tools to spy on users. On July 18, , lawmakers in a House Committee on Financial Services hearing expressed mistrust of Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency plan due to its "pattern of failing to keep consumer data private.
Facebook agreed to conduct an overhaul of its consumer privacy practices as part of the settlement. Access to friend data by Sony and Facebook was "immediately" restricted as part of this settlement, according to CNET. Separately, the FTC settled with Aleksandr Kogan and former Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix , "restricting how they conduct any business in the future, and requiring them to delete or destroy any personal information they collected. In early July, , Facebook admitted to sharing user data with an estimated 5, third-party developers after it access to that data was supposed to expire.
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The hearing didn't touch on Facebook's data privacy scandal, and was instead focused on Facebook's purchase of Instagram and WhatsApp , as well as its treatment of other competing services. SCL Group formerly Strategic Communication Laboratories is at the center of the privacy scandal, though it has operated primarily through subsidiaries. The company was dissolved on May 1, Registration documentation indicates the pair formally came into existence in Global Science Research was a market research firm based in the UK from to It was the originator of the thisisyourdigitiallife app.
The personal data derived from the app if not the app itself was sold to Cambridge Analytica for use in campaign messaging. How to test Linux commands on your server without actually running them. This tool can save you from lot of problems. Octavio Mares. Cyber Security Channel.