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Be very wary. So all I need is the app? There's no website? The only website the company has is joinclubhouse. That's a project manager. How much of my data does Clubhouse want for a registration? You have to give Clubhouse your phone number and your real name in theory. You can register the eventual username you want for the service before you even get an invite.
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The person inviting you simply needs your phone number. You'll get a link via text, telling you to visit joinclubhouse. Link your Twitter account to Clubhouse if you don't want to set up a profile from scratch; it'll even pull in your existing Twitter profile pic. Clubhouse also pushes you to link your contacts, in the name of making it easier to find people to follow. Don't bother if you don't have a contact list full of influencers. Once you're logged in, verify your email address with the service so you have it as a method for reconnecting if there's an issue.
When did it launch? It became a big deal to a select few in part because of its invite-only exclusivity, much like a real-world club membership. In those early days, it was an incredibly small community, mainly consisting of venture capitalists. After all, the company behind Clubhouse—Alpha Exploration Co. Now it's open to a lot more than investors, even if it is still invite-only access. What am I supposed to listen to on Clubhouse?
When you finally get access, the app offers a page full of conversational topics to follow, from sports to tech to world affairs to faith to "hustle" and on and on. In each, you'll find people interested in the same thing, and you can follow them. The more topics and people you follow, the more likely you are to get suggestions for a room that fits your desires. The conversations aren't permanent? Conversation rooms come and go as people launch or end them. Clubhouse says it records conversations as they happen, but only retains them if someone files a complaint while the room is live.
If no one reports an incident during the chat, Clubhouse says it discards the recording as soon as the host closes the discussion. Users, of course, are finding many ways to record chats for their own purposes. The internet is still forever. How many people can be in a conversation? The current limit is 5, people per Clubhouse room—which Musk busted through , of course. Users in that room started live-streaming the conversation on YouTube, which is one clever workaround for recording what's said.
What do you really mean by a conversation?
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Isn't it like a podcast? It depends on your podcast preferences, but remember—all the people involved are speaking via their iPhones, not fancy audio setups. They don't see each other, so it really is like listening in on a phone call. There's no professional editing, no sound effects, no transitions, and no advertising at least not officially.
That said, the "style" of the conversation is flexible: one room might be a casual one-on-one between friends, while another is a more formal talk-show-style interview, a big group discussion, or even a music-sharing session. So I can only listen in? Not necessarily.
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Anyone listening in can virtually "raise a hand. So, is this really like 'Medium for Podcasts? Unlike Medium, there's no official record of it. The conversations are not recorded or stored for future listeners. Sounds more like Zoom without video. In some ways, sure But Zoom meetings aren't open to the general public by default.
Clubhouse conversations are open to any member who can find it, not a select few. The virtual dais is limited, which hopefully gives the floor to people with something important or interesting to say.

Also, not having to look at the screen while you're talking is a nice change from today's daily video calls. Can I make money?
In theory, yes, because Clubhouse is now slowly rolling out a monetization scheme for creators, starting with a small test group. They're working on it with the payment processing firm Stripe. It's not ad-based. Who's really going to use Clubhouse? Right now, Clubhouse is for people who like to talk and miss having an audience—like needy celebrities—or lurkers who want to be the fly-on-the-wall near interesting conversations. Eventually, as it grows and becomes a big deal, it may be a new medium we all have to keep an eye on.
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Wait, wait wait. There are celebrities? In fact, the app is becoming popular in the Black entertainment community , in particular. Haddish was the first person to break 1 million followers on Clubhouse, which should tell you that the service is well past that 1, users mark. But that may play into the "pretentious, clout-chasing atmosphere" we noted in our review.
I feel like I can do this somewhere else Clubhouse knock-offs—I mean competitors—are coming.
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Because, like everything else in tech, when there's blood in the water, the big sharks come swimming. Remember when everyone wanted to be TikTok? Shark Tank 's Mark Cuban, an early Clubhouse user, is involved in one called Fireside , a sort-of mix of Clubhouse and Spotify's podcast software, Anchor. Twitter is testing Spaces anyone can join a Spaces convo now, but only a select few can host one ; it goes wide in late April. The Telegram messaging app now has a Voice Chat feature. Instagram has already improved its group live-streaming feature called Live Rooms to allow more than two users to stream together but with video.
Reddit is now offering a sneak peek of Reddit Talk , for hosting live audio conversations in a community. And of course, Facebook refuses to be left out. It is launching a bunch of audio tools for the creation of Soundbites for posting, podcasts, and of course, Live Audio Rooms —its answer to Clubhouse. Before you repost, it is best to request permission from the original poster so that you can repost their work. Reposting has been around as a strategy on Instagram for quite some time, long before tools like Buffer for Instagram came around.
Certain third-party apps allowed for particular repost functions, often including watermarks or -mention credits on the reposted photo. The absolute simplest way, though, was with a screengrab — a process that can still be replicated today. Once you have your image saved to your camera roll, tap on the camera icon within Instagram and select your screenshot as you would any other image you wanted to share on Instagram. Be sure to credit the original sharer of the image within your caption and tag their account using their Instagram handle buffer, for example.
Instagram has become an incredibly important network for brands. In fact, And by , this figure is predicted to rise to A recent Forrester study showed that engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter. Live events, meetups and talks are great times to create and curate content. Eventbrite use a branded hashtag, EBevents , to share and follow content from events that use Eventbrite to sell tickets and they also repost content from some Instagram users who attened Eventbrite events.
Your Instagram notifications can also be a great source of user generated content. Keep an eye out for any new mentions and tags as these can be great sources of content for your own Instagram feed. At Buffer, we also use a few branded hashtags on Instagram. One of the hashtags we use is bufferlove and we frequently reach out to others who use the hashtag and repost their content with our own feed.
People enjoy being acknowledged for their content and efforts on social media. Destination British Columbia is the Official tourism organization for British Columbia, Canada, and they often feature guest Instagrammers within their feed. Addressing big milestones or celebrating key events and moments, can be a great strategy to inspire your followers to share some user generated content.