A group could be a company, organization, account, project or team! It also lets you record custom traits about the group, like industry or number of employees.
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This is useful for tools like Intercom , Preact and Totango , as it ties the user to a group of other users. The group call has the following fields:. Find more details about the Group method, including the Group call payload, in the Segment Group call spec. Alias is how you associate one identity with another. This is an advanced method, but it is required to manage user identities successfully in some Segment destinations, such as Mixpanel or Kissmetrics.
Mixpanel used the Alais call to associate an anonymous user with an identified user once they sign up. The alias call has the following fields:. For more details about alias , including the alias call payload , check out the Segment Alais call spec. Note that the previousId is the value passed in as the userId , which Segment cached after you made an identify call. Segment passes that value as the previousId when you call alias and pass in a newId.
If you have not called identify , the previousId is set to the anonymousId. Context is a dictionary of extra information you can provide about a specific API call. You can add any custom data to the context dictionary that you want to have access to in the raw logs.
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You can read more about these special fields in the Segment Common spec documentation. To opt out of automatic data collection, clear the context after initializing the client. Once you set up calls using the basic Segment data collection APIs, choose which destinations to send it to, and how you want to send it to them. We recommend using device-mode destinations on a need-to-use basis only , to reduce the size of your application, and to avoid running into the dreaded 65k method limit. To package Device-mode destinations, first add the dependencies you need to your project.
You can find these in the Segment app when you open the destination for your source. You can pass an options object on any of the basic Segment API calls that allows you to turn specific destinations on or off. By default, all destinations are enabled.
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In the examples below, the first event is sent to all destinations, but the second one is sent to all except Mixpanel. If you build your own instance of the client, you can also specify a default options object to use for each call. Notice that the first example uses an Enum to disable the destination, but the second example uses a String. Segment recommends that you use the Enum method for Device-mode destinations, and use the String method to change the behavior of Cloud-mode destinations.
Android security checkup: 16 steps to a safer phone | Computerworld
Note: If you are on a business tier Segment plan, you can filter track calls right from the Segment App in the source schema page. This is a much simpler way to manage your filters, and you can update it without having to make and publish code changes. You can retrieve the anonymousId set by the library by using:. This is useful for apps where users log in and out with different identities on the same device over time. Reset does not clear events in the queue , and any remaining events in the queue are sent the next time the app starts.
You might want to call Flush before you call Reset. Note : When you call reset , the next time the app opens Segment generates a new AnonymousId. Local device stats help you quickly see how many events you sent to Segment, the average time bundled destinations took to run, and similar metrics.
If you run into issues while using the Android library, you can enable logging to help trace the issue. Logging also helps you see how long destinations take to complete their calls so you can find performance bottlenecks. The logging is enabled by default in the default singleton instance if your application is running in debug mode.
If you use a custom instance, attach a LogLevel to the Builder and set the logging level there, as in the example below. You can choose to disable logging completely LogLevel. Depending on the audience for your app for example, children or the countries where you sell your app for example, the EU , you may need to offer the ability for users to opt-out of analytics data collection inside your app.
You can turn off ALL destinations including Segment itself:. Set the opt-out status for the current device and analytics client combination. This flag persists across device reboots, so you can call it once in your application, such as in a screen where a user can opt out of analytics tracking. Find details on best practices in event naming as well as the Track method payload in the Segment Track call spec.
Segment publishes stable releases every second Wednesday, when we tag and release the master branch. After releasing, we also merge the dev branch merged into master. In general, code will be available on master for two weeks before being tagged as a stable release.
During this period, master is published as a snapshot — the equivalent of bleeding edge releases. We recommend using the snapshot version to try out upcoming features and fixes that have not been published yet. Simply add the snapshots repo to your repository and Gradle will pull in the latest snapshot build.
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You should consider it too! This is what the old set up looked like:. In the new version, instead of adding the destinations directly, simply add the Segment destination modules as a dependency instead. Earlier, you could control the debugging behaviour with a boolean flag. In version 3, this is replaced by the more powerful LogLevel Enum, that lets you not only control the logging behavior of the Analytics-Android SDK, but also for Device-mode destinations.
Analytics for Android
Version 3 ignores these custom options from XML to simplify behaviour and improve performance. The recommended way to customize the Analytics client is to use the Builder methods instead. In version 4, the analytics-core artifact is not available any longer.
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- Analytics for Android | Segment Documentation!
It has been renamed to analytics which previously packaged all Device-mode destinations. Version 4 of analytics only includes the Segment destination.

Which means, to package a Device-mode destination, you must manually add that dependency. Can we improve this doc? Send us feedback! Back to Connections Analytics-Android Documentation.
Log in Sign Up. Back to Connections Email Marketing. Back to Connections Server. Android Test Apps Segment maintains test apps for the Android mobile library. Find them here.
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