When you shop for mobile phones, you have mainly two options with you- iOS or Android. Many people opt for android and give preference to the iPad or iPhones. This can be due to iMessage feature available in the Apple product. Text messages have been one of the cheapest ways to communicate with anyone and its speed of transmission is also incomparable.

Although people still use the text messaging services but the instant messaging apps like Snapchat , iMessage, WhatsApp or Skype are on the rise among the smartphone users. These apps allow you to enjoy fast messaging facility and that too free of cost. All you need is to have an Internet connection.
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Maximum smartphone users carry data plan and thus there is an exponential increase in the number of users of these apps. It might happen that your child is too much engrossed in messaging via these applications which can be a reason of concern for you. Imagine a situation where you can actually monitor all the messages and chats that your kids are exchanging with their friends or anyone else.
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The iPhone SMS tracking software like the mSpy is intended to provide extreme peace of mind to the worrying parent. There are number of features available in the spy app that will let you to track all the activities of your kids. With the iPhones and iPads being very common among kids, they send or receive instant messages every now and then from their friends. It can happen that their number might get into the hands of unscrupulous people who can send them harmful messages or lead them to wrong directions or even there are messages from their friends that might be morally unacceptable to you.
You can view all the iMessages without even having the cell phone physically with the help of mSpy tracking app. It's a safe Android and iOS device monitoring software that can be used only for the exact purpose of parental control of their kids, by employers to monitor the devices that belong to them as well as on which the employees work, or by you when you have a consent of the device owner.
That could result in severe monetary and criminal penalties imposed on the violator if you failure to do so and it is likely to result in violation of applicable law. That would be better to consult your own legal advisor with respect to legality of using the application in the manner you intend to use it prior to registering, downloading, installing, and using it. FoneMonitor would not be held responsible if a user chooses to monitor a device the user does not have the right to monitor; nor can FoneMonitor provide legal advice regarding the use of the software.
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First of all, you have to open "Settings" on the target device. Now, swipe down and choose "Messages" by tapping on it.
How to see what the kids are doing on their phones
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