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Black hat hackers operate with malicious intent. That said, there is a large grey area populated by political activists and hackers who wear both hats.
- Some of the most common, and most effective, methods for stealing passwords.
- Phone hacking - Wikipedia.
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Hacking costs companies and consumers trillions of dollars every year. Much of the cyber crime problem stems from the same features of the internet from which we all benefit. Even the most amateur hacker can easily find all the tools they need online at virtually no cost. The hacker onslaught didn't occur overnight. It took decades of work by now-famous hackers to discover critical vulnerabilities and reveal the strategies that established the foundations of the internet and its free-for-all libertarianism.
Here's a look at the top ten most notorious hackers of all time. A seminal figure in American hacking, Kevin Mitnick got his start as a teen. In , he was charged with stealing computer manuals from Pacific Bell. Because DEC was a leading computer manufacturer at the time, this act put Mitnick on the map. He was later arrested, convicted and sent to prison.
During his conditional release, he hacked Pacific Bell's voicemail systems. Throughout his hacking career, Mitnick never exploited the access and data he obtained.

It's widely believed that he once obtained full control of Pacific Bell's network simply to prove it could be done. A warrant was issued for his arrest for the Pacific Bell incident, but Mitnick fled and lived in hiding for more than two years. When caught, he served time in prison for multiple counts of wire fraud and computer fraud. Although Mitnick ultimately went white hat, he may be part of the both-hats grey area.
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According to Wired , in , he launched "Mitnick's Absolute Zero Day Exploit Exchange," which sells unpatched, critical software exploits to the highest bidder. Anonymous got its start in on 4chan message boards in an unnamed forum. The group exhibits little organization and is loosely focused on the concept of social justice. For example, in the group took issue with the Church of Scientology and begin disabling their websites, thus negatively impacting their search rankings in Google and overwhelming its fax machines with all-black images.
In March , a group of "Anons" marched passed Scientology centers around the world wearing the now-famous Guy Fawkes mask. As noted by The New Yorker , while the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have tracked down some of the group's more prolific members, the lack of any real hierarchy makes it almost impossible to identify or eliminate Anonymous as a whole. In , year-old Adrian Lamo used an unprotected content management tool at Yahoo to modify a Reuters article and add a fake quote attributed to former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Lamo often hacked systems and then notified both the press and his victims. In some cases, he'd help clean up the mess to improve their security. As Wired points out, however, Lamo took things too far in , when he hacked The New York Times' intranet, added himself to the list of expert sources and began conducting research on high-profile public figures.
Lamo earned the moniker "The Homeless Hacker" because he preferred to wander the streets with little more than a backpack and often had no fixed address. According to the New York Daily News , Gonzalez, dubbed "soupnazi," got his start as the "troubled pack leader of computer nerds" at his Miami high school.
He eventually became active on criminal commerce site Shadowcrew. At 22, Gonzalez was arrested in New York for debit card fraud related to stealing data from millions of card accounts. To avoid jail time, he became an informant for the Secret Service, ultimately helping indict dozens of Shadowcrew members.
During his time as a paid informant, Gonzalez continued his in criminal activities. Along with a group of accomplices, Gonzalez stole more than million payment card accounts from companies including OfficeMax, Dave and Buster's and Boston Market. During his sentencing in , the federal prosecutor called Gonzalez's human victimization "unparalleled. Malicious intent or not, Bevan and Pryce demonstrated that even military networks are vulnerable. Jeanson James Ancheta had no interest in hacking systems for credit card data or crashing networks to deliver social justice.
Instead, Ancheta was curious about the use of bots—software-based robots that can infect and ultimately control computer systems. Using a series of large-scale " botnets ," he was able to compromise more than , computers in According to Ars Technica , he then rented these machines out to advertising companies and was also paid to directly install bots or adware on specific systems. Ancheta was sentenced to 57 months in prison. This was the first time a hacker was sent to jail for the use of botnet technology.
In February , year-old Michael Calce, also known as "Mafiaboy," discovered how to take over networks of university computers. He used their combined resources to disrupt the number-one search engine at the time: Yahoo. This is a hack tool that allows users to gain ultimate secret file that will in turn provide them access to unlimited amount of resources and gold. Learning track my boyfriends phone. Download 8 Ball Pool Hack for Android and ios adaptable skeleton to get hacked features.
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