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Here's how to find secret messages in Facebook's hidden inbox

Some hero-complex stalkers are even more subtle in their approach. They may follow you on a rainy day and offer the use of their umbrella. Or they may pick up your keys, then present them to you, saying you must have dropped them. Some even try to manipulate the object of their stalking into contact by filing a frivolous lawsuit.

These legal tactics can range from the ridiculous to the ruthless. The stalker draws you into his orbit by forcing you to defend yourself. Other forms of manipulation include threatening to hurt themselves, thereby forcing their victim to intervene. In some cases, their messages include links to suggestive websites. Internet stalking is often an extension of physical stalking, though not always. In some cases, the stalker may not even know the real identity of his victim.

He may have only seen his or her profile on social media and become obsessed.

How to View Private Facebook Profiles Without Being a Friend

This does not make Internet stalking also called cyber-stalking acceptable. Most law enforcement agencies have cyber-crime units, and Internet stalking is treated as seriously as physical stalking. Stalkers often try to isolate their victims from family and friends. When hurtful or damaging information is made public, your first reaction may be to withdraw.

He will then try to move in, becoming your knight in shining armor. Instead, do your best to stay strong and maintain your social circle. Stalking Sign 9: Acting Violently or Threatening You Using threats or violence to frighten their victim is a common strategy for some stalkers. Your car may be vandalized or your home burglarized. If you suspect a stalker is to blame, or ifyou receive threats or someone claims responsibility for the crime, report it immediately to the police.

The information you provide may help the police piece together evidence from the crime and take action against your stalker at the same time. If the situation continues, report him to the police.

A stalker counts on your feeling that his actions are ordinary demonstrations of affection. Resist the urge; he may be dangerous. By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools.

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