Buyers have become increasingly sophisticated, with higher expectations of the brands that they buy from. Inundated with marketing noise, they have to pick and choose which pieces of content to devote their time to and use as guiding references in their decision to buy. Source: Demand Gen Report. The way B2B buyers engage with and integrate content into their research processes is changing. With this growth in demand comes a growth in competition.
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Brands have to do more to stand out and grab the attention of B2B buyers. One of the best ways to do this is to supplement your content operation with the production of rich media, either as a complement to other content formats or as a standalone piece of content. To understand how rich media can help, we first have to define what rich media is as it pertains to content operations. Rich media has become increasingly popular in digital advertising over the last decade. There are a few reasons for this. To start, the inclusion of rich media on web pages has become easier as browsers and websites have integrated HTML5 , which allows for easier placement and loading of rich media elements.
A report from Opera Mediaworks shows just how much of a difference rich media can make in an advertising campaign. Their study found that rich media ads achieved a click-through rate of 1. Standard static banner ads only achieved click-through rates of 0. Source: eConsultancy.
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These same benefits can be achieved in content campaigns as well as ads. Supplementing a blog post with a video, for instance, not only makes the post more valuable but also allows you to connect with visitors who would prefer to consume the content through the video medium. It arms your marketing teams with content that can be shared on new platforms, improving your SEO efforts and giving potential prospects new ways of finding your company. Injecting rich media into your content campaigns can help you improve engagement and user experience and help to drive improvements in several key content metrics.
Rich media helps you to present content in a way that helps visual learners to retain more information. If a visitor is presented with the same content delivered in both a blog post format and video, a healthy percentage of people will choose the video.
Without that complementary content, you might have a hard time keeping eyes on your content. Additionally, spreading your content across rich media like podcasts and infographics broadens your reach and increases your brand awareness.
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Take a look around your industry. How many of your competitors are supplementing the content that they publish with rich media? People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences. By Jakob Nielsen. In research on how people read websites we found that 79 percent of our test users always scanned any new page they came across; only 16 percent read word-by-word.
1. Create Original Content
Update: a newer study found that users read email newsletters even more abruptly than they read websites. We found that credibility is important for Web users, since it is unclear who is behind information on the Web and whether a page can be trusted. Credibility can be increased by high-quality graphics, good writing, and use of outbound hypertext links. Links to other sites show that the authors have done their homework and are not afraid to let readers visit other sites. Users detested "marketese" ; the promotional writing style with boastful subjective claims "hottest ever" that currently is prevalent on the Web.
Web users are busy: they want to get the straight facts. Also, credibility suffers when users clearly see that the site exaggerates. To measure the effect of some of the content guidelines we had identified, we developed five different versions of the same website same basic information; different wording; same site navigation. We then had users perform the same tasks with the different sites. We had expected that users would like this version better than the promotional site as indeed they did , but we thought that the performance metrics would have been the same for both kinds of language.
Content also leads to influencing other people in creating their own content, sometimes in a way that the original author did not or could not plan or imagine. This feature, adding the option of user innovation in a medium, means that users can develop their own content from existing content. Much social media content is derived in this way, by effectively re-cycling content in a slightly different format. Traditionally, content was edited and tailored to the public through news editors, authors, and other kinds of content creators. However, not all information content requires creative authoring or editing.
Through recent technological developments, truth is found in philosopher Marshall McLuhan's idea of a global village ; new technologies allow for instantaneous movement of information from every corner to every point at the same time [4] causing the globe to be contracted into a village by electric technology, [5] such as smartphones and automated sensors. These new technologies can record events anywhere for publishing and converting in order to potentially reach a global audience through various internet channels such as YouTube.
Such recorded or transmitted information and visuals can be referred to as content. Content is no longer a product of only reputable sources; new technology has made primary sources of content more readily available to all. For example, a video of a politician giving a speech compared to an article written by a reporter who witnessed the speech. Media production and delivery technology may potentially enhance the value of content by formatting, filtering, and combining original sources of content for new audiences with new contexts.
The greatest value for a given source of content for a specific audience is often found through such electronic reworking of content as dynamic and real-time as the trends that fuel its interest. Less emphasis on value from content stored for possible use in its original form, and more emphasis on rapid re-purposing, reuse, and redeployment has led many publishers and media producers to view their primary function less as originators and more as transformers of content. Thus, one finds out that institutions, that used to focus on publishing printed materials, are now publishing both databases and software to combine content from various sources for a wider variety of audiences.
While the marketing and media world have broadly accepted the term "content", some writers complain about its inherent vulnerability towards misinterpretation.