Ideally, this works across all platforms: from your Android phone to your Linux computer, from Windows to Mac. AnyDesk offers one of the simplest remote access solutions. Try it out for yourself! First things first: AnyDesk is free for private use. Simply download the 3MB file and get going! To get started, open AnyDesk. The number you see on the left is your personal ID. People can use this number to access your device, and you need this number from the person you want to connect to. She leads a high-performance team of seasoned service delivery professionals well versed in cloud adoption, delivery management practices, and technology trends.
Georgina is passionate about coaching and developing individuals to achieve their potential, with an interest in diversity and inclusion. Your email address will not be published. Microsoft Industry Blogs - United Kingdom. All industries. Apply Filters Loading Clear all filters. We are committed to helping organisations everywhere stay connected and productive. Read More.

Here are my top five tips for managing remotely and from home. Make sure you are prepared First things first — make sure that you are ready and set up to productively lead and manage remotely when at home. It was a valuable lesson in the importance of getting set up to credibly and productively manage remotely: Prepare your workspace. Make sure you have a reliable connection and you have what you need to be productive. Figure out when you really need the focus time. Not all calls and meetings are equal in this regard.
We all have distractions when working from home such as partners, kids, pets etc. If I had an especially important call, for example, with a customer or if I was required to present, then that was the time I found a way to create calm, e. Embrace the quirks. I was once on a call where my bosses partner appeared in full view in swimming trunks behind her on a Teams call. In a fully remote team some of these moments provided the best social moments of connection. Set your boundaries. It is important that you still maintain a healthy separation between home and work life even if you are working from your home.
Be intentional about your working hours and setting expectations for availability. This is especially important if working in a global company and across cultures and time zones. Prioritise the relationships In my previous roles I had been used to managing people with a rhythm of meetings on a monthly basis in order to review progress and check-in.
Managing remotely however is different and these are some of the learnings I discovered as a result: Frequent contact is important. In order to maintain connection and build the manager-direct report relationship, I consciously doubled the frequency of meetings or check-ins with my direct reports as I had done with my local office based team.
I had catch ups every other week for most of the team, but for new joiners or where we had business challenges, I did a weekly meeting. These connections were invaluable for keeping in sync with the team and it was the frequency, rather than the length of these connections which was important. Maximise opportunities for connection. Put lower priority items at the end of the agenda so if you happen to overrun then you can start with those next time. Allow time for social connection. What is in the background of your shot? Is there a chance a surprise guest may wander into frame?
How much time are you spending responding to instant messages and emails every day? They serve a different purpose for members of remote teams and should be run differently, too. Try these six tips to make your meetings as effective as possible. No one knows the ins and outs of working from home quite like those who do it full-time. From standing office hours to virtual coffee breaks, we asked year-round remote workers to share their top telecommuting tips.
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When was the last time you talked to your colleagues? After working from home for a few days, you may find yourself missing the mundane moments that make your workday feel complete. Watercooler chatter, a workplace ritual once taken for granted, is suddenly a distant memory, as are break-room coffees and good-night wishes at the end of a long day.
5 ways for remote workers to collaborate
While these interactions may have taken you away from your desk, they more than likely gave you a sense of purpose and structure that boosted your engagement and productivity. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to recreate these experiences from your home office. Virtual meetings have become more common in recent years, but when high-stakes or complex issues are up for discussion, many still believe that in-person conversations are more effective.
Now is the time to challenge that way of thinking. If done well, remote meetings can be just as, if not more, effective than those done in person.
5 ways for remote workers to collaborate
When it comes to cultivating a sense of community, in-person meetings will always be the gold standard. But when face time is no longer an option, leaders must find ways to create virtual connections. Preparing for a virtual presentation? Just take care to avoid these missteps.
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Networking from home? Enjoy your newfound flexibility and freedom while avoiding these common missteps. By taking these two steps today, you can set yourself up for career success in the long run. As a telecommuter, you have to be a bit more intentional. If you want to get ahead in your career, you have to raise your profile. These days, that means speaking up during conference calls. Lucky for you, there are 12 tactics you can try to give yourself the confidence boost you need to hit the unmute button. When working from home for an extended period of time, it can be easy to go days on end without uttering a single word to a colleague.
But low visibility can stunt your career growth, not to mention result in feelings of insecurity, imposter syndrome or worse, burnout. Here are nine ways to do just that.
Tips from our team
Now more than ever, employees need to be able to identify their strengths and leverage them in a way that shows management what they bring to the table. Without the visibility of working in an office, it can be easy to feel out of sight, out of mind. This is your guide to the three types of professional isolation, plus how to cure each. Visibility is critical to career success, especially when economic uncertainty abounds. Nearly two thirds of Americans reported feeling lonely at work before stay-at-home orders went into effect—can you imagine what that statistic must look like today?
If working from home has taken a toll on your mental health, here are four ways to stay positive. On average, telecommuters spend more time on the job than their in-office counterparts and, as such, experience burnout at higher rates.
Research at NYPL: Remote Access to Collections and Services
Here are a few common warning signs that you may be burning out, plus how to get back on track. Between worrying about your Wi-Fi cutting out in the middle of an important meeting and wondering if you can make it another hour without your stir-crazy kids interrupting, working from home comes with its own unique set of stressors. This is your guide to overcoming them. It may be tempting to spend yet another evening unwinding in front of the television with a tub of ice cream, but resist. Instead, try these five self-care practices , guaranteed to help you become less stressed in the long run.
If working from home has found you making more decisions on your own, you may be feeling exhausted, frustrated and as though your ability to make even the simplest of choices is compromised. It can wreak havoc with your work and life, unless you try these three tactics. When you started working from home and found yourself sitting all day, every day, without a commute or meeting on the opposite side of the office to help you get steps, chances are you discovered just how exhausting sedentary life can be. These low-impact exercises are a good place to start. Anxiety stems from a desire to be in control.
The trouble is, the more you try to control, the more likely you are to feel anxious. It is a vicious cycle, one that can be tough to break, that is, unless you try these two tips. Here, a psychologist shares her top tips for how to cope with being remote. For starters, break up your workday. While some states have started to reopen their economies, many businesses have yet to do the same with their offices. If your return to work is still several months away, you may want to review your remote routine to ensure it is sustainable. Here are three ways to do just that. Working from home has many employees logging more time on the job than ever before.