You can also manage multiple Twitter accounts from within the dashboard. Then add in the login details of any other accounts you want to manage through TweetDeck. You're then able to choose that added account when adding new columns and responding.
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Last year, Twitter added a new Teams option to TweetDeck which enables business owners to delegate access to their profile to as many people as they like without sharing passwords. The option makes it easier for businesses to have more users to contribute to their Twitter efforts - which is important, considering that consumers now expect brands to respond to their customer service requests via tweet within an hour. Dependent on demand, having more resources available in this respect can be of major benefit.
Scheduling is one of the most utilized functions of any social media management tool, and TweetDeck offers its own tools on this front, including the ability to add images and GIFs. In addition, tweets scheduled through TweetDeck are also visible on ads. Last year, Twitter added a new feature which enables users to create their own, customizable Tweet Grid which can be embedded on websites to showcase selected tweets.
These grids are created through TweetDeck - to do this, you need to start a new Collections column. You can then drag and drop the tweets you want to include in your Collection, arrange them as you want in the list, then view your Collection to Twitter. With that URL, head to Twitter's " Publish " platform and paste it in, then select the presentation option you want for your Collection.
Once selected, you'll get an embeddable URL for your Collection - enter it into your website code and there it is. An especially cool feature of Collections is that if at any time you update your Collection, it will also automatically update in your Tweet grid - no additional embed code or website update required. Twitter lists are a great way to make more sense of the platform, and one that's not highlighted enough by Twitter itself. With lists, you can follow profiles for specific topics, which can be especially helpful if you're following a lot of people and you don't want to miss relevant news.

In TweetDeck, you can easily create and edit lists directly from the platform, and you can set up columns to monitor any lists you've already created or are subscribed to. Twitter's real-time stream of data can be extremely powerful, so long as you can harness that influx of data and translate it into the actual insights you need. Twitter search operators enable you to do this - and through TweetDeck, you can save search streams to keep you updated any time a relevant mention comes up.
For example, wouldn't it be great to know if someone had mentioned your product or service within a certain radius of your location? What if you could track the most common keywords that lead people to your business, enabling you to reach out to them ahead of time? And influencers too - you likely want to know when people your audience trust tweet about your brand or industry.
How to use Twitter Lists
Only show tweets sent within 15 miles of this city you can list any distance and you can use 'mi' or 'km'. That would alert you to all mentions of basketball shoes, specifically, in this region. You could then save that search into a TweetDeck column to track any subsequent mentions from there on. In addition to keeping track of your own tweet activity, you can also use your TweetDeck columns to monitor mentions of your competition.
If you click on any profile in TweetDeck, you'll see a window like this, with Mentions shown as an option. Select it and you can track all mentions of that profile, showing you how they're interacting with other Twitter users. Through TweetDeck, you can also set up desktop alerts to ensure you're always aware of important mentions. As you can see, alerts are column-specific, so you can also set up specific notifications based on the number of retweets, mentions or replies. And this last one is major, according to Zima. Through TweetDeck, you can add in a confirmation step on each tweet to avoid sending out accidental tweets.
It works like this - in your accounts tab, you can select an option to add a confirmation step into the tweet process when posting from any of your linked accounts.
When selected, it will add a new checkmark to the tweet process. Users can't press "Tweet" till they've ticked the box, prompting them to double-check and confirm the details including the profile they're tweeting from are correct before they send. As you can see, there's a heap of ways to use TweetDeck, many of which are not widely known or utilized by brands. What's more, TweetDeck is free. Twitter wants you to be more active on the platform, so it's in their interests to provide such tools to as many people as possible.
If you're not using TweetDeck, or haven't checked it out in some time, it might be worth checking in and seeing all the latest options and functions. Follow Andrew Hutchinson on Twitter. Fabric is recognized as the 1 most popular crash reporting and also the 1 mobile analytics solution among the top iOS apps, beating out Google Analytics , Flurry , and MixPanel. On April 17, , Twitter announced it would implement an "Innovators Patent Agreement" which would obligate Twitter to only use its patents for defensive purposes [ clarify ].
The agreement went into effect in Twitter has a history of both using and releasing open source software while overcoming technical challenges of their service. Twitter has been used for a variety of purposes in many industries and scenarios. For example, it has been used to organize protests, sometimes referred to as "Twitter Revolutions", [] which include the protests over the Moldovan election , the student protests in Austria , the Gaza—Israel conflict , the Iranian green revolution , the Toronto G20 protests , the Bolivarian Revolution , the Stuttgart21 protests in Germany , the Egyptian Revolution , England riots , the United States Occupy movement , the anti-austerity movement in Spain , the Aganaktismenoi movements in Greece , the demonstration in Rome , the Wisconsin labor protests , the Gaza—Israel conflict , the protests in Brazil , and the Gezi Park protests in Turkey.
The service is also used as a form of civil disobedience : In , users expressed outrage over the Twitter Joke Trial by copying a controversial joke about bombing an airport and attaching the hashtag IAmSpartacus, a reference to the film Spartacus and a sign of solidarity and support to a man controversially prosecuted after posting a tweet joking about bombing an airport if they canceled his flight.
Mystery Dot Is the Best Kept Secret on Twitter - The Muse
IAmSpartacus became the number one trending topic on Twitter worldwide. During the Arab Spring in early , the number of hashtags mentioning the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt increased. During the —20 Hong Kong protests , Twitter suspended a core group of 1, "fake" accounts and an associated network of , accounts for operating a disinformation campaign that was linked to the Chinese government. In their announcement, Twitter released two data sets detailing the core group's account activity.
On June 12, , Twitter suspended over 7, accounts from Turkey because those accounts were fake profiles, designed to support the Turkish president and were managed by a central authority. Turkey's communication director said that the decision was illogical, biased and politically motivated. In May , The Wall Street Journal wrote that social networking services such as Twitter "elicit mixed feelings in the technology-savvy people who have been their early adopters.
Fans say they are a good way to keep in touch with busy friends. But some users are starting to feel too connected, as they grapple with check-in messages at odd hours, higher cellphone bills and the need to tell acquaintances to stop announcing what they're having for dinner. Dvorak described Twitter as "the new CB radio ". A practical use for Twitter's real-time functionality is as an effective de facto emergency communication system for breaking news.
It was neither intended nor designed for high-performance communication, but the idea that it could be used for emergency communication was not lost on the creators, who knew that the service could have wide-reaching effects early on when the company used it to communicate during earthquakes. Another practical use that is being studied is Twitter's ability to track epidemics and how they spread.
Additionally Twitter serves as a real-time sensor for natural disasters such as bush fires and earthquakes. Twitter has been adopted as a communication and learning tool in educational and research [] settings mostly in colleges and universities. Twitter has been an increasingly growing in the field of education, as an effective tool that can be used to encourage learning and idea, or knowledge sharing, in and outside the classroom.
A broad example of a hashtag used in education is "edchat", to communicate with other teachers, and people using that hashtag. Once teachers find someone they want to talk to, they can either direct message the person, or narrow down the hashtag to make the topic of the conversation more specific using hashtags for scichat science , engchat English , sschat social studies. In a study, researchers found that young peoples use of Twitter helped to improve relationships with teachers, encourage interactive learning, and ultimately lead to high grades.
People found that sifting through large amounts of data is challenging, however, with the simple nature of Twitter large amount of information became easily accessible. This ultimately promotes growth and learning among students and educators, not just in the classroom, but virtually and around the world. Tech writer Bruce Sterling commented in that using Twitter for "literate communication" is "about as likely as firing up a CB radio and hearing some guy recite the Iliad ".
The poets Mira Gonzalez and Tao Lin published a book titled Selected Tweets featuring selections of their tweets over some eight years. The book was designed to look like a small bible. The novelist Rick Moody wrote a short story for Electric Literature called "Some Contemporary Characters," composed entirely of tweets.
In , Nielsen Online reported that Twitter had a user-retention rate of forty percent. Many people stop using the service after a month; therefore the site may potentially reach only about ten percent of all Internet users. In response, Andy Carvin gave Schorr two examples of breaking news stories that played out on Twitter and said users wanted first-hand accounts and sometimes debunked stories.
The service was active from to During the Summer Olympics opening ceremony , in which he appeared at the London Olympic Stadium in person, [] Sir Tim Berners-Lee , the founder of the World Wide Web, tweeted "This is for everyone", [] which was instantly spelled out in LCD lights attached to the chairs of the 80, people in the audience.
Many commentators have suggested that Twitter radically changed the format of reporting due to instant, short, and frequent communication. Reilly and Robinson Meyer, Twitter has an outsized impact on the public discourse and media. Writers in several outlets unintentionally cited the opinions of Russian Internet Research Agency -affiliated accounts. World leaders and their diplomats have taken note of Twitter's rapid expansion and have been increasingly utilizing Twitter diplomacy , the use of Twitter to engage with foreign publics and their own citizens.
McFaul has been attributed as a pioneer of international Twitter diplomacy. He used Twitter after becoming ambassador in , posting in English and Russian. According to an analysis of accounts, the heads of state of countries and other leading politicians have Twitter accounts that have between them sent more than , tweets and have almost 52 million followers. However, only 30 of these do their own tweeting, more than 80 do not subscribe to other politicians and many do not follow any accounts. Donald Trump has used Twitter as a method of providing ideas and information during his presidential campaign in , the transitional period and as US President.
A study performed at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology showed his tweets from these different time periods and through analysis of his tweets, the professors found that President Trump uses a mode called "forensic mode" the most often in his tweets. This is described as a quick reactive usage, as they found he often used Twitter to show his judgment of the events that occurred regarding both his allies and his enemies.
Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very Unfair!
In a study done at New York University in , an analysis and comparison of the Twitter accounts of Donald Trump, Jeb Bush , Bernie Sanders , and Hillary Clinton , found observations showing the goals of each candidate's Twitter during their respective primary elections. Some comparisons that were made were the use of Aristotle's theory of Rhetoric.
The research found that Donald Trump used pathos, the appeal to emotion, in his rhetoric; Bernie Sanders tended to use ethos and logos for his Twitter; Hillary Clinton tended to use logos and pathos to try to convey her values, and Jeb Bush shows that he uses a mix of all three on his account. The study also looked at the media response to the tweets during the election. The study found that the tweets became more persuasive for the candidates if the media put the tweets in front of more viewers, versus less powerful if they were only visible to those already on Twitter.