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The platform SHOULD try to minimize such excursions as far as possible, but will continue to deliver media even when a temporary or permanent condition exists that prevents satisfying the constraints.
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Although settings are a property of the source, they are only exposed to the application through the tracks attached to the source. This is exposed via the ConstrainablePattern interface. For each constrainable property, there is a capability that describes whether it is supported by the source and if so, the range of supported values.
As with settings, capabilities are exposed to the application via the ConstrainablePattern interface. The values of the supported capabilities must be normalized to the ranges and enumerated types defined in this specification. A getCapabilities call on a track returns the same underlying per-source capabilities for all tracks connected to the source.
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Source capabilities are effectively constant. Applications should be able to depend on a specific source having the same capabilities for any browsing session. This API is intentionally simplified. Capabilities are not capable of describing interactions between different values. For instance, it is not possible to accurately describe the capabilities of a camera that can produce a high resolution video stream at a low frame rate and lower resolutions at a higher frame rate.
Capabilities describe the complete range of each value.
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Interactions between constraints are exposed by attempting to apply constraints. Constraints provide a general control surface that allows applications to both select an appropriate source for a track and, once selected, to influence how a source operates. Constraints limit the range of operating modes that a source can use when providing media for a track.
Without provided track constraints, implementations are free to select a source's settings from the full ranges of its supported capabilities. Implementations may also adjust source settings at any time within the bounds imposed by all applied constraints. Additionally, the ConstrainablePattern interface on tracks includes an API for dynamically changing the track's constraints at any later time. A track will not be connected to a source using getUserMedia if its initial constraints cannot be satisfied.
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However, the ability to meet the constraints on a track can change over time, and constraints can be changed. If circumstances change such that constraints cannot be met, the ConstrainablePattern interface defines an appropriate error to inform the application. For each constrainable property, a constraint exists whose name corresponds with the relevant source setting name and capability name. A constraint falls into one of three groups, depending on its place in the constraints structure.
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The groups are:. In general, User Agents will have more flexibility to optimize the media streaming experience the fewer constraints are applied, so application authors are strongly encouraged to use required constraints sparingly. This is not a hard requirement, since it might not be possible to synchronize tracks from sources that have different clocks.
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While the intent is to synchronize tracks, it could be better in some circumstances to permit tracks to lose synchronization. In particular, when tracks are remotely sourced and real-time [[? WEBRTC]], it can be better to allow loss of synchronization than to accumulate delays or risk glitches and other artifacts. Implementations are expected to understand the implications of choices regarding synchronization of playback and the effect that these have on user perception. Information about channels might be exposed through other APIs, such as [[?
The latter form makes it possible to compose a stream from different source streams. The MediaStream constructor composes a new stream out of existing tracks. When the constructor is invoked, the User Agent must run the following steps:. If track is already in stream 's track set , skip track. Otherwise, add track to stream 's track set. The relative order of the tracks in the set is User Agent defined and the API will never put any requirements on the order.
This behavior is specified per consumer. This specification does not specify any such cases, but other specifications using the MediaStream API may. One such example is the WebRTC 1. If track is already in stream's track set , then abort these steps. If track is not in stream's track set , then abort these steps.
A good practice is to use a UUID [[rfc]], which is 36 characters long in its canonical form. The id attribute MUST return the value to which it was initialized when the object was created. Initialize streamClone. An example source is a device connected to the User Agent.

This allows User Agents to manipulate media in whatever fashion is most suitable on the user's platform. When all tracks using a source have been stopped or ended by some other means, the source is stopped. An implementation may use a per-source reference count to keep track of source usage, but the specifics are out of scope for this specification. Initialize trackClone. For example, cloning an ended track results in a new ended track. If the document does not have focus at that time, the UA SHOULD instead queue a task to mute the track, and not queue a task to unmute it until the document regains focus.
While other applications and documents using the device simultaneously may interfere with this intent at times, they do not interfere with the rules laid forth. A track can be muted by a user. Often this action is outside the control of the application. A track can also be muted by the User Agent. A muted track will however, regardless of the enabled state, render silence and blackness.
A disabled track is logically equivalent to a muted track, from a consumer point of view. The track is always enabled unless stated otherwise for example when cloned and the muted state reflects the state of the source at the time the track is created. If track. Set track. If the end of the track was reached due to a user request, the event source for this event is the user interaction event source.
For each track in tracks , end the track.