If someone sends a street address, tap it to open it in Google Maps. And if someone sends a phone number, tap it to dial.
Access Your Voicemail by Phone |
Man, we waited long enough for this. It was absolutely bizarre that, for all its other superpowers, the iPhone could not send photos to other cellphones, let alone audio clips or video clips. But not on the iPhone. The iPhone 3. Sadly, the original iPhone shall remain MMS-less. To send a photo or on the iPhone 3GS a video, tap the icon next to the box where you type your text messages shown on the facing page at right. Two buttons appear: Take Photo or Choose Existing. Tap the one you want and then tap Choose.
If you choose Take Photo or Video instead, then your Camera app opens so you can take a new picture or on the iPhone 3GS snag a video clip. In any case, you now return to your SMS conversation in progress—but now that photo or video appears inside the Send box.

Type a caption or comment, if you like. Then tap Send to fire it off to your buddy. In general, text messages are fleeting; most people have no idea how they might capture them and save them forever. Copy and Paste helps with that. Some of the stuff in those text messages is easy to capture, though. Either way, if the picture or video is good enough to preserve, tap the button.
If you have a 3GS, you can also save a video—but tap Save Video, of course. If someone sends you contact information name and address, for example , you can add it to your Address Book.
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Fortunately, there are all kinds of sneaky ways to do text messaging for free. Yes, you read that right: free. Here are a couple of examples:. Solution 1: FreeMMS. It lets you send unlimited text messages—no, even better, picture messages—for free.
How to set up and use Message Centre voicemail
There are only two small gotchas. Solution 2: Use the AIM chat program described in the next section. Any message you send to that address arrives as a text message—free to you.
This technique has a key advantage: Your buddy can actually reply. But installing one yourself—like AIM, below—is simple, as described in Chapter Call Waiting has been around for years. You can tap the Flash key on your phone—if you know which one it is—to answer the second call while you put the first one on hold. Buttons on the screen offer you three choices:. The incoming call goes straight to voicemail. This button gives you the traditional call waiting effect. The iPhone puts her on hold, and you connect to the second caller.
At this point, you can jump back and forth between the two calls, or you can merge them into a conference call, just as described on Hold. Tapping this button hangs up on the first call and takes the second one. If Call Waiting seems a bit disruptive all the way around, you can turn it off; see Call Waiting. It lets you route all calls made to your iPhone number to a different number. How is this useful? Let us count the ways:. When you send your iPhone to Apple for battery replacement Out-of-Warranty Repairs , you can forward the calls you would have missed to your home or work phone number.
Forwarded calls eat up your allotment of minutes, though. Start at the Home screen. Caller ID is another classic cellphone feature. The iPhone has more antennas than an ant colony: seven for the cellular networks, one for Wi-Fi hot spots, one for GPS, and one for Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a short-range wireless cable elimination technology. There are all kinds of things Bluetooth can do in cellphones, like transmitting cameraphone photos to computers, wirelessly syncing your address book from a computer, or letting the phone in your pocket serve as a wireless Internet antenna for your laptop.
But the iPhone can do only one Bluetooth thing: hands-free calling. You keep your hands on the wheel the whole time. This discussion covers monaural Bluetooth earpieces intended for phone calls. But the iPhone can also handle Bluetooth stereo headphones, intended for music. Details are on Bluetooth Stereo Headphones.
The pairing process is different for every cellphone and every Bluetooth earpiece. Usually it involves a sequence like this:. On the earpiece, turn on Bluetooth. Make the earpiece discoverable. Turn Bluetooth to On. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Redeem your free audiobook. US Markets Loading Smart Home.
More Button Icon Circle with three vertical dots. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Steven John. Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter LinkedIn icon The word "in". LinkedIn Fliboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url.
Listening to Messages
How to access your saved messages To save a voicemail message: While listening to a voicemail message you can press 9 to save it. Or, Contact Us for live assistance in resetting your pin. Select Option 3 for Change Personal Options. Enter your new pin between a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 digits in length. Re-enter your new pin for confirmation between a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 digits in length. Your new pin will take effect immediately. Labels 1. Top Related readings Not what you're looking for? Try these related articles and discussions.